Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Spiritual Warfare: Do you have your Armour on?
I have been asked by many clients if I believe in angels, and if they are in fact real. And if they are real how do they play a part in our lives? I have done a lot of research on this topic and in usual fashion I will do my very best to show you what I have learned. It is not my desire to convince you that they do exist, but if you find something here that makes you want to explore the idea in depth then I have done my job.
***Author’s note: I do my best to stay on the middle ground with religion as I know and understand there are many different ways to achieve spiritual wholeness. Much of the following article will be excerpts from the Christian bible as these are where I have most of my knowledge about angels and demons. If you choose to not continue with this article I fully understand, however I would like for you to try and walk that middle path for a few minutes to see where I’m coming from before you make your final opinion.
Most of what we know about angels is explained in the bible there is not much in the area of descriptions suffice to say they are numerous and have a hierarchy that is quite extensive. We are told in Genesis 18; 32:10-13; Joshua 5:13-15; Judges 13:1-5 that Angels can come in a wondrous variety of forms, although the Bible often neglects to give any description at all (Judges 6:11-14; Zechariah 4).
They appear humanoid in most Biblical accounts (Numbers 22) and as such are often indistinguishable from human beings (Gen. 18; 32:10-13; Joshua 5:13-15; Judges 13:1-5) but they also may manifest themselves as pillars of fire and cloud, or as a fire within a bush (Ex. 3).
The Psalms characterize natural phenomenon, like lightning, as God's melachim (Ps. 104:4). Other divine creatures appear to be winged parts of God's throne (Is. 6) or of the divine chariot (Ezek. 1). The appearance of cherubim is well known enough to be artistically rendered on the Ark of the Covenant (Ex. 25). Perhaps the most ambiguous creature is the Malach Adonai, an angel that may or may not be a visible manifestation of God.
The bible also recognizes guardian angels and in Psalm 91:11 it is said “For he will order his angels to protect you where you go…” We can gather from all of these verses that there are indeed angels. Many of whom are mighty warriors who appear often where there is harm to innocents, a need for spiritual intervention such as in a spiritual attack, or when there is a massive earthly disaster. When we pray we invoke the most powerful energy there is and it can manifest in many ways.
There are often signs in which people have seen, felt, smelled a presence that is so far beyond our normal sensations that it will move entire groups, congregations, into a spiritual uprising. This uprising in vibration from prayer can heal the sick, heal the spirit, and most importantly bring those who have felt lost and confused back to the reality that they are loved. Angels are powerful allies and although they can do wondrous things they must be called upon by those in need. This article will offer you ways to connect with angels in a very personal way.
As with all things there are two sides to this spiritual energy for as much as there are angels and light beings who will stop at nothing to help and reassure us there are those who are of a darker vibration and are trying just as hard if not harder to keep you lost, confused, and off balance. These darker vibrations are called Demons.
In Ephesians 6:12 we are told that “we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”
It would be a wonderful world if we never had to address such matters, but as those of us who deal with the spiritual world on a daily basis understand; there is cause to put on spiritual amour and on these occasions we need to understand what exactly we are fighting against. It is my understanding over the past 23 years that I have to have knowledge of many different religions. Why? Since I seem to be very much geared towards the Christian bible? Because I KNOW that the enemy has many different ways of hiding and manifesting because it has been here since before humans inhabited the Earth.
It is imperative for anyone who is seeking out balance in the spiritual world to have a good knowledge of what people are comfortable with and what their general practices are before you begin to clear their property.
When there is demonic energy in a space there is generally a lot of tension, yelling screaming and general imbalance that is for the most part unexplainable. Children have disputes and parents argue this is not what I am speaking of; what I am referring to is arguments that get loud to the point of screaming, or physically confrontation. These times are those which may be initiated by an imbalance in the property.
Demons can be attracted by constant bickering, pettiness, and an overall feeling of depression where you feel like nothing can help you overcome your situation. They sit in waiting for that opportunity to intervene and give you consistent self doubt speech directed to you. They know your energy well and understand what it takes to make you feel like you have completely fallen into a shadow of doubt.
Often these demons can appear in shadows on walls their figures can sometimes be just a face which looks relatively non-threatening, however to ones who KNOW there energy they are fully seen for what they are. Sometimes these energies can be intriguing to those who are feeling all alone, and they can step into that forbidden zone of communicating with them. Developing a relationship with a shadow of darkness is highly dangerous and it can and will eventually take over your daily thoughts until you become obsessed with the idea of continued communication.
Part of the reason why many fall into this attraction to demons is that they are a curiosity. It is not often that one sees something that for all intensive purposes should really not be there. The mind tries to make sense of what it is seeing, and if the individual does not have the knowledge of how to discern if it is simply an entity that is lost, or one that is seeking out malicious intent there can be a multitude of problems arising from the experience.
If you find that you have such a situation in your life or know of someone who does contact me at and I will talk to you about what to do next.
There are many ways to protect yourself from a spiritual attack first and foremost making sure that your mental health is well taken care of and that you are not neglecting signs in which you are starting to fall into a bad sleep pattern, loss of appetite, staying away from friends and family, feeling like your body is slowing down, or any other rationale for you just simply not feeling like yourself. If you are at this point in your life consult your personal doctors FIRST, before you do anything else.
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Hi people,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this wonderful article really!
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