Showing posts with label Lightworker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lightworker. Show all posts

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Art of Deception: A Course in Demonology

Picture a little boy with golden hair, the bluest eyes, and a voice straight out of heaven.  He comes up to you touches your hand, smiles and says my name is Tommy and I love you then he disappears.  You are not sure what exactly you saw you think it may have been a sweet departed new house guest, but in fact you have just been drawn into the gates of hell unaware.

Demons are perfectionist at the art of creative deception, they know that if they manifest in their true form automatically that they will scare beyond reasoning their prey so they tend to appear as being innocuous. Demons have only one mission gather as many souls to their side as possible before they run out of time. They are subtle, knowledgeable about their victim and prey on their fears, and frustrations.

Demons have been here since the dawn of humanity their one goal to remove the light which guides, confuse their victims, separate, and cause as much chaos as possible. To do that they need to understand what exactly motivates their charge what are their personal demons? Are they walking with the light burning inside them? Are they doubtful that anything is really in charge? Are they angry at God? Is there some personal tragedy fueling guilt, anxiety or depression? Are they curious about the occult?

The fact that they know what drives a person’s personality and rationale gives them a slight upper hand, however if you educate yourself on how they gain access you can at least be knowledgeable and take charge if you or someone you care about comes in contact with unclean spirits. 

First and foremost NEVER engage by means of channeling, summoning, or otherwise inviting entities from a Ouija board.  This device is a tool which has been guised as harmless toy, as I mentioned before demonic energy disguises itself under the notion of being risk free. Once a board is taken into the personal environment of the questioner they have taken that first step down a very perilous road.

Once the board has been activated the first answers will appear very non-threatening.  Eventually the participants will ask questions which are simply irresistible; who are they speaking to, and are demons real? No matter what the boards reply they have now entered into a portal and engaged.  

How else can a demon become attached to you personally? 
How well do you know those whom you call your friends?
Do they follow the sorts of ideals you do, or are they walking a separate path? 
Do they knowingly have spirits that “follow” them around? 
Are they engaging in any sort of craft that is not of the light? 
How are they personality wise?   
Are they controlling, overbearing? 
Do they give you a sense of just simply wanting to remove yourself immediately? 

All these indicators are signs that they may be engaging in things of the demonic.  If you find it necessary to pursue this line of questioning in your own thought process about anyone of your friends then this is your wakeup call to action.  Re-assess your relationship and make conscientious choice to move away.


Demons appear as being helpless, usually as small children, they hide their real purpose.  They use devices to entice their victims, distract from the light and cloud rationality. They drive the individual to ask more probing questions, and draw them deeper into the occult.  They offer enough information to create a bond that seems interpersonal, compassionate, and understanding.  Their one true goal is to capture your attention long enough to distract you into a downward spiral of personal suffering and damnation.

A true story: 

In order to reiterate how simple something so evil could come packaged as helpless, friendly, and needing simply to be loved I will share with you a personal client story of a young lady named “Angela” an adult named “David” and a boy named “Tommy” (names changed to protect the client) in Ohio.

Angela was for a short while dating David who was approximately 4 years older than her.  He treated her pretty well until she decided that she needed to move on with her life. Then David introduced her and her family to Tommy.  The first time Tommy came into Angela’s home he immediately went to Angela’s mother and touched her on the hand then leaned against her.  The mother could not see Tommy, but she felt his affection right away, and to her being very strong maternal minded she engaged and enjoyed his touch. 

Tommy was a spirit that attached himself to David many years ago and David felt that he could control his newfound spiritual “buddy.” David, in his decision to try and manipulate Tommy would project him into the home of Angela when he physically would not be there.  Since Angela’s mother found Tommy to be non-threatening she would engage in conversation with him, and allow him to continue touching her.  The children in the home would see Tommy and engage in his activity in the home until eventually this became the norm.

This pattern continued until Angela decided that David was no longer to her liking. David took offense to this rejection and projected Tommy to the house only this time Tommy would bring fear into the home.  Angela would find scratch marks on her back, hand prints on her neck, and her sisters terrorized in their sleep. 

Angela’s mother was no longer comforted by Tommy’s touch and feared that she may have indeed brought a horrible stranger into her home.  The fear, guilt and confusion created anger she began to engage from fear base, and challenged Tommy to leave her family and home.  Instead Angela’s family ended up leaving their home that night and fleeing to the safety of a family member. A family friend was brought into the situation and she is the one who called me into assisting the family.

During the consult the following day I was asked to access the family from a paranormal perspective. What I found was a family whose inner core was divided on many levels.  I took care of their emotional and spiritual needs by doing energy work, prayer, and simply listening.  

The next day I went to the house where the activity occurred with my husband who explores the forensic side of the paranormal, and is a deeply respected spiritualist with lengthy experience in the removal of dark energy.

Upon initial examination of the home it appeared to be benign without any real signature of anything paranormal. We brought out my tools for further investigation, and another layer began to unfold. The mother was asked to be at the house so that once we began to use the instruments we would only point to where we found activity, and it was her knowledge of her personal space where she would either agree, or disagree.

She was rather taken aback to the results as it proved to her physically that there was indeed something paranormal occurring.  Both my husband and I began the extermination process of the energy little did we know that it would only be the beginning of a very long week. 

After we were finished and our respective instruments no longer registered any activity we left the home satisfied that we had indeed accomplished what we came to do; banish the enemy. 

I was told by Angela’s mother that a priest was on his way to their home to do a house blessing in lines with their religious beliefs, and that he would seal the house off and put the finishing touches to the ordeal.  Things were calmer for a few more days; however the priest never showed up to do the blessing.

Then came round two as sheets were ripped off the middle child’s bed, the littlest child began to sleep walk, and display high fear complications. The mother engaged again, entrusted to the belief that her faith would protect her and rid the spirit from her domain.  What she did not expect was that Tommy was the main reason for the fear entering her once peaceful home.

Again I was called in then told that the priest did not show for the blessing and hysteria was running rampant once again in the home. Again in the middle of the night they had to flee. I asked my husband what I missed, what we did not do, but mainly blamed myself for a short while that I missed something.   

We decided that there may have been a mirror that was not blessed, or some sort of portal that was opened, and never closed off.  See, long before we heard about this family members within the home engaged in the use of a Ouija board.  Initially, when the mother was very young she obtained one and “played with it” her father got a hold of it and threw it out.  One the one hand, it was a good decision, however, once a board is opened if it is not closed off properly it will still essentially remain opened.

This event was further complicated by 4 other openings of similar boards within the property of the home.  It was initially started by the mother, and eventually her own children would become involved in the same activity.  First few times she knowingly participated with them, the last few times she was unaware of their activity.

Complicated by the fact that Tommy was growing in presence and the energy in the home was becoming more threatening, my instinct was to find out what was driving this family apart.  I consulted with the mother privately she began to express sensitive matters between her and her spouse, deep concerns for her children and the insecurities of what the future would bring.  After three hours of at times gut wrenching sadness, pain and frustration finally, a breakthrough.

Remember, dark energy feeds on fear, sorrow, depression, guilt and the lack of spiritual knowledge that you ARE in charge of your personal energy, and can kick some serious spiritual butt when the NEED arises. Empowering this family giving back their personal and spiritual power assessing their needs this family began the healing process. 
That night there was a great sense of accomplishment and a real sense of forward movement. The scary things that seem to have control were now losing ground.  The priest had made another appointment to come to the home and this time he actually showed up blessed the house, left holy water and salt to make more since the bottle is never to remain less than half full.

There was peace quietness that had not been there for weeks, all was calm and right with their world then Thursday evening came to be, and their world was again rocked.  You see because it was important to keep things balanced in their home this required them to keep all things that were of the occult out.  Anyone who walked in this manner was not to be brought into the home, no movies, no contact with any material seen or unseen was to be engaged.

Although Angela made it as clear as she could to her mother that she no longer wanted contact with David there was just one more hurdle that her mother wanted to cross before she made it final in her mind.  Angela had prepared for months before all of this chaos in the house for her homecoming. It was a huge expense of time, and money and it became the only thing that Angela’s mother would pay direct attention to, which would eventually cause the final fury and eradication of Tommy and his minions. 

Upon arrival at the doorstep of Angela’s home her mother knew that there was something not right.  Although David looked dressed for the occasion, and Angela was beautiful in her gown something was not quite right.  She invited David into the home and went to the kitchen to finish what she was doing, and then she started to get that familiar feeling of being watched.

She asked David if he had anyone with him and his response was something that left her feeling cold, but not helpless.  He said “Yeah, only my drama making buddy.”  Angela was becoming more and more agitated began to beg her mother to not force her to go with him, but her mothers told her get into the truck, and just go already that she would be just fine.

Angela did as she was told and experienced nothing but misery, and a strong desire to just go back home.  Meanwhile her mother was dealing with Tommy and he had brought friends who were taunting her and again causing major chaos.  Again the family had to flee to the family safe home after Angela arrived back home.  

The final round:

When I got the last call from Angela’s mom I was to say the least... surprised.  My husband and I did everything at least I thought at the time to finish the job.  Before I started to talk to the mother I asked my husband what would cause this to happen again?  He said Occam’s Razor applies here (which is that the answer to the question, is the simplest one which accommodates all the facts.) either there is a dead body under the house, or they let someone into the home that had negative energy.

I had already explained to Angela’s mother that once everyone’s energy was brought to balance and the house was cleared that as long as there was nothing done within the home, and no one brought any unbalanced energies into the home it would stay peaceful.  She was under the impression that once I did my work, and the priest came to do the blessing it was not something she would ever have to worry about again.

Unfortunately she did not understand that this only works if you don’t open the door willingly and let them in. David was allowed back into the home, and he brought Tommy with him.  Seeing that what was done was done and understanding that there was no unringing of this bell, I told her that I would come out one more time, and do what I could with the help of my guides, angels and the gifts that were given to me by God to reinforce what we had done a few nights previously.

This time I brought a sacred mixture of salt and white sage to not only work with in the home, but to seal off the entire property.  What this does is to ensure that nothing of the demonic will cross its path.  Inside the home for the most part it was clear until we arrived in her bedroom.  I used a pendulum to detect the unwanted energy, found that it was apparent on the foot of the bed itself, and also in the closet.  I used prayer, and holy water to bless the bed and bring it to balance.   

I then addressed the energy in the closet as I prayed in the language of the Holy Spirit. It is a language that was bestowed on me when I was in my early teens after I became born in the spirit.  I prayed for a while then made the sign of the cross and I used a Danburite crystal to soak up the energy.  Danburite acts as either an amplifier or a sponge and can emit or soak up unbalanced energy. 

Danburite stimulates spiritual awareness & activates the crown chakra, the energy center at the top of the head. It is said to be a stone which connects with the realm of angels, and to be useful in communicating with them. Danburite helps to expand and enhance one's field of awareness, bringing greater clarity and sensitivity. Has a positive influence upon the brain, enhancing concentration and memory. Greatly supports the nervous system. Uplifting, yet calming. It also assists in patience, endurance and strength, encourages the vitality and longevity of the body and when used in conjunction with Green Calcite (used in trapping unwanted spiritual entities) acts like a spiritual sponge.

Once the closet was cleared Angela’s mom felt dark energy behind her and grabbing her arm tightly. She did not indicate what side it was on, but I pointed and she nodded yes, I grabbed a handful of the sacred salt mixture and told her when I say move, you do it.  Upon her moving I threw the salt so that it scattered in the energies direction.  I then gathered up the residual energy into the Danburite and the room was finally clear.

She mentioned that she felt lighter as if an enormous weight had been lifted from her body.  “Praise God finally” I said you have been cleansed your home is cleansed and you are free. 

I then went about the task of surrounding the property with the sacred salt mixture, and spoke with the family did a bit of tweaking on their energy levels, reinforced the necessity of prayer and communication and called it case closed.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Vibrational Energies: A Child's Experience Moving Towards 11-11-11

For many decades now there has been a focus on children and their inborn ability to connect with spiritual energies and other denser energies. These denser energies (those realized on the Earth's physical plane). We are created with two bodies that of the physical and the spiritual. This spiritual body is created purely out of energy which reacts to light from the source of where all things are created.

Light has its own vibration as we have learned from the sciences, and it is what causes the spectrum of different hues. People also respond to these colors in varying ways. It can either sooth, or cause what some psychologist would call irrational behavior. Children gravitate to certain colors as they learn how to express themselves. Most choose colors which are bright and have extremely high vibrational qualities. While there are some who move towards the darker spectrum.

It is my theory that since we are inherently beings of light we respond to situations depending on how high our internal frequency of light responds. the higher the frequency the quicker we are to react with compassionate and rationality.

Higher frequencies for the most part tend to be extremely healthy in body and mind, however, I have over the years been witness to some children whose body are completely on the edge of life, but have such a high spiritual vibration as to give the appearance that they have a glow around them.

Our spiritual body never has a need for repair. It is always intact and whole no matter what happens to the physical. When we make errors in judgment and stray from what is internal peace we begin to deteriorate our physical body.

This break down of the physical begins with mundane annoyances which after a time not properly addressed by either realizing that the desire is causing needless suffering, or professional assistance is necessary they can destroy peace of mind. Left unchecked the physical body then undergoes more drastic side affects with the deterioration of vital organs.

Children have a fresh slate by which their personal vibration without pause relates to or rejects unwanted stimuli. Being of a higher vibration, however, causes the child to be extremely sensitive to multi-dimensional levels and shifts in consciousness. Many who have been walking this path since 2006 have also noticed energy shifts and have educated themselves on how to continue to remain on a balanced path.

Many times children though don't have an ability to understand why these shifts occur and it can be extremely scary, cause them to internalize emotions, and respond in ways that may be difficult for a parental, teacher, or loved one to respond to. As November 11, 2011 nears (creating a new convergence of elemental, physical and spiritual energies) it is of the utmost importance that we learn how to respond our children.

Acquiring information on how the light body (spiritual body) works, learning about minerals and gem stones, essential oils, meditation, and finally learning what your true purpose is in life to create simplicity and peace within your personal living space.

Children learn what they are shown talk to them about their daily life, listen with a non critical ear and focus on what they are concerned about. This time with your children is incredibly important it not only creates a bond it shows them that they have someone in their life that truly cares about what they think.

What do you do if you hear something that causes you to feel upset or disturbed? If your child tells you that they are fearful of something that is either physical or spiritual in nature the first thing you must do is not over react. You might have to suddenly find yourself need to go to the rest room, or remember a phone call you need to make. Do whatever you need to do to compose yourself and get back to the conversation.

Ignoring or downplaying your child’s issues will eventually cause them to have self-esteem issues while at the same time forcing a need to find other outlets which may be unhealthy.

Here are some signs that your child is a sensitive and may need someone to teach them how to deal with hyper-vibrational (over stimulated sensitivity to the paranormal or spiritual) activity:

* Has your child recently developed sensitivity to large groups whereas before they were outwardly social? Large groups tend to have a different vibrational energy which can be denser than your child’s energy. It can cause them to become very hyper active and need have the urgency to leave because they simply cannot bear all of the energies given off by those in the crowd. Also, this affect can happen within groups that they are used to being around. As children develop and because of what they deal with on a daily basis they acquire other’s personal vibrational energy within their auras. This energy is then given off by the child and it can be quite confusing to those who are in a hyper-sensitive state of their development.

* Has your child noticed that they are having an increased awareness in psychic ability? Some children can actually physically hear within their own minds senses the thoughts and feelings of others. This can scare the child into thinking that they are going crazy especially if there has been someone else in the family who has been diagnosed with a mental illness. They may tend to not want to sit with certain people, or touch anyone whereas before they were happy to share a hug or sit really close.

* Children who are experiencing hyper-vibrational activity can be prone to panic attacks or anxiety that seems to others not experiencing the same thing to be acting out. This may cause the child to abandon activities which were once important to them.

* Have you noticed that your child seems to zone out for periods of time seeming to day dream, or wanting to just sit and do nothing? Once the child has started to adjust to the newer energies they may have a need to spend more time in the subconscious level of their brain. They will have a tendency to sleep more, and feel the need to spend time alone. As a parent you must decide when this behavior has become extreme, and intervene if necessary.

* Has your child exhibited extreme awareness of pollution, depleting environmental resources, multi-dimensional beings? Since the child’s vibrational energy has become over stimulated it now is more aware of others pain, the Earth’s depletion of resources and those who have either passed on, or are here still on the Earth plane. They will also become more concerned about themselves and loved ones around them needing assurance that their survival and peace of mind will not become disturbed.

* Children at this point of over stimulated vibrational activity can also feel like there is not enough time to do all the things that they came to Earth to accomplish. Burn out can occur if they are not shown how to balance this energy. Also, many times adults use psychologist, or doctors to help the child get back to “normal.” The problem with this approach is that the child in many cases is not dealing with a physical factor, but a spiritual one. What needs to happen here is a constant communication with the child from the start and an open communication on matters of the spirit. Doctors are important in the lives of children, but not all situations can be diagnosed as that of the physical or the mental.

* Some children who experience hyper-vibrational sensitivity can be prone to depression. If a child has the capability of remembering past lives they may become over anxious for things they feel responsible for, or feel as if they will never become whole or at peace. Being exposed to media events which are violent in nature, or show the lack of caring for the planet can push these children into depression. You as a parent must be aware of your child’s natural behavior and be willing to discuss with them anything that they have on their minds which is causing them to be overly sensitive too. Discuss with them world events and how they may be able to in their own way become active in their personal life, or community. Children who feel like they are part of the whole are more willingly to discuss what is on their minds, and more able to express themselves.

* Children who are in this state of hyper-vibrational activity tend to have disturbed sleep patterns often waking up 3-4 times a night. This also is the case with adults who are noticing changes in vibrational energy of their personal environment. Their higher consciousness is extremely active more so at night past midnight then at any other time of the day. For this as a parent be willing to ask them what’s on their minds, offer them writing material so that if they find they are being disturbed in their sleep, or just having too much on their minds that they can write it down. Sometimes they will not want to share what it is they have in their writings, be willing to accept this. At some point they will share if they feel comfortable enough.

* Has your child told you that they feel a strange tingling sensation in their body? As the frequencies change within the child it can create the physical sensation of electrical pulses. These pulses can move through the arms, legs, or the entire body and generally last for up to 40 seconds. Also, tingling can be felt on the top of the head (also known as the crown chakra). All of this activity short in duration is quite normal when dealing with spiritual vibrational energies. As a parent you can assist your child with this by helping them ground themselves with minerals, crystals, or having them walk barefoot on the lawn. If, however, this last for longer than 40 seconds, is painful, or occurs more than a few times a week check with their doctor it may indicate something of a physical nature.

* Experiencing hyper-vibrational stimulus can also give the sensation of being dizzy, or spaced out. The reasoning behind this is that your body needs time to catch up with the informational flow. These bouts can occur when there is an earth change such as a major earthquake, flood, or other event that creates the demise of large numbers or animals or people. The body is also aware on a spiritual level of solar flares, moon cycles, and planet alignments. As your child moves through these experiences let them know that they are loved, and that they can express their personal experiences in confidence with you. Educate yourself on the need for the spiritual body to align itself with Earth changes.

* When children begin to go through these changes sometimes they will find that they are increasing the need to eat. Spirit does not always understand that we are in physical bodies, and when children have exposure to much vibrational energy they tend to need a huge amount of time to adjust. Also, as the energy is heightened the physical body needs more fuel to process the input. Normally the energy input is not over powering, but there will be a need for more foods which are easily processed by the body. As a parent make sure to the best of your ability that you provide fruits, vegetables and other foods rich in nutrients to avoid too much calorie intake.

* Children will also be able to see beyond veils once their vibrational energies are at full potential. They will see spiritual energy; they will talk to angels, guides, and feel energies of the living as well. As a parent of a child who has gone through these changes you need to be able to actively listen without judgment, speak to them about their concerns and provide information, or persons who can talk to them about their personal experiences. These images can be frightening to children who are not accustomed to dealing with these types of energies. Education is key to their peace of mind.

What as a parent can you do? Be aware that this is not a very common experience and flexible enough to leave the situation if need be. However, there are minerals and crystals that are extremely effective in balancing personal energies which work extremely well.

On a personal note*

I have children who have gone through many of these steps some at extremely early ages of 4 and 5. I have gone through decades of experiencing the paranormal, and even I was upset when two of my children ran screaming from their bedroom frightened to death by the dark image they saw on their wall. They knew instinctively that the energy coming from the image was not a mundane shadow, but something much baser. I knew I had no choice, but to clear the energy and begin that conversation starting with in this world there are two sorts of energy one of the light and one of the darkness.

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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Becoming a Light Worker

Establishing yourself as a light worker

If you are new to the experience of becoming in tune with your inner voice and you find it difficult to trust your instincts the following information can give you some peace of mind and direction, and I have personally found that they work quite well.

• If you have the space clear out a room and use it solely for spiritual development this room should be considered your spiritual sanctuary. If you do not have the space for a full room a corner area that is free of clutter will do just fine. In this space you will meditate, read, and journal your spiritual growth.

• Before you retire for the night clear your thoughts of any of the days troubles. Understand that nothing can be done minutes before rest and that your body will be more prepared for better results if you rest fully. You may find that using a CD of inspirational music, mediations, or positive feedback will result in good rest and a sharper mind.

• Researching to find a mentor in person or online can help you stay on course.

• Daily affirmations regarding spiritual development, motivation, and peace of mind are recommended to feed both your mind and your spirit. Keep in mind that what you take in with your senses will produce either negative or positive results. If you truly want purposeful change you must change your habits.

• Listen and be aware spiritual messages can come in many forms. Spirit can speak to you directly if you feel an intuitive pressing that says pay attention then you need to take note. Write down what you feel, sense. If you keep getting this message at least 3 times it means that you are definitely receiving a message from spirit. Pay Attention!!

• Who are you choosing to associate with? Are these people working towards making their personal lives better, or do they complain and constantly say their life is rotten because of someone else, or some circumstance? It is important to be around like minded people who share your desire to create peace and well-being. You may find that you have to let go of some people even some relatives. It will not be easy as we do not generally like change, but if you are at that point in your life where you desire positive change; then spirit will send you friends and those who will help you with that change.

• Do not try to make all of these changes over night. I have found that it generally takes 21 days to make or break any habit. If you force yourself to fit into a new mold to quickly you will shatter into many fragmented pieces. Take small steps be kind and compassionate to yourself.

• Make sure to pay attention to your body as a whole. Mind, body and spirit all have importance, and all require balance. Good food, good information, and quiet time for spiritual learning are what it takes to become spiritually aware. Things you can do to help yourself along in these areas are:

1. Expose your mind to get thoughts by visiting web pages that are empowering, speak with people who are positive and willing to listen and offer perspective. Find a book or site with daily affirmations that resound in your spirit.

2. Learn about healthy foods and what is best for your body type. Take time to exercise. Get regular check ups, and follow doctors advice.

3. Learn new spiritual techniques that inspire you to grow, and teach others how to also be spiritually aware. It’s in the teaching that you find yourself learning more and more.

• Where do you want your life to go? Think on these things dream your life into reality. Give your dreams life by daily reminding yourself of how you see your life in the next 5 years. You must make a plan to get to where you are going otherwise you will not go beyond where you are now. Just as a plant needs sunlight, soil and water you also need to cultivate your dreams.

• Visualize in your minds eye where you want to go. In the psychic realm many visions come through in pictures learning how to develop this technique will help you bring what you need to move forward. Think on this everything you see in your surrounding space was first seen in someone’s mind. The concept of visualizing is not a whimsy magical thinking concept. You need to first think it to achieve it. Once you have this picture in your mind’s eye write it down, or draw it the best you can.

• If you have the time and it is available in your area find a psychic group. Joining together with like minded people will help you grow and learn things in which you may not by yourself. Keep going for as long as you find it useful. As with all things you can outgrow a group as well.

• Learn how to use energy for protection as you are learning how to become more aware it will be necessary to learn how to protect yourself from energies you may find unwanted. This all may sound very woooo wooo to you, but I assure you it is very real. You may decide that you want to carry a stone, or crystal with you which deflects unwanted energies, I suggest you use smokey quartz.

Smokey Quartz Gemstone meaning

Smokey quartz is nature's stone of endurance. If you need an extra boost, carry a smokey quartz gemstone with you. It promotes:

• Personal pride and joy in living

• Creativity in business

• Opens the path for perception and learning

Smokey Quartz is a protection stone that cleanses and clears negative energy.

Smokey Quartz is a grounding stone that transmutes negative energies and facilitates your ability to get things done in the practical world. It enhances organizational skills and is good to have around in the workplace or home office.

Healing properties of Smokey Quartz

Smokey Quartz is connected with the sounds of the universe. It makes you more aware of sounds including telepathic sounds. Smokey Quartz helps relieve depression.

A New Understanding Past Meets Present

                   Mind, Body, and Spirit                        Your Journey to introspection So now you have come to the understanding t...