Monday, April 16, 2012

Orbs... Dust or Ectoplasam?

Morpheus:   “You take the blue pill, the story ends; you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”  –The Matrix
A personal story sent to me by Judy in Illinois, 2005:

"...At my mom's for a family gathering after my father died there was about 10 of us at the time. I spotted orbs near the ceiling of my mom's living room & I said I think Dad is here. They asked why and I said because I see orbs near the ceiling.  they all made fun of me which is normal because they never believe me. My neice happened to have her camera which was digital. She then took a picture where I saw them and sure enough there were 3 orbs. Everyone got all freaked out & asked how I was able to see them. I responded with I don't know how or why all I know is that it just IS. "

Author Note:  Thank you Judy for your personal accounting much appreciation ;-)

The following article will attempt to showcase different rationales regarding the creation of “orbs” unexplained circular formations found in many paranormal pictures and videos.  Everything has a vibration, or a frequency and the shape of a solid, color, or substance is reflective of this concept called frequency.  Another anomaly being reported is that many times these captured orbs take on the effect of color.

Science tells us that our bodies run on an electrical current which drives our central nervous system, and our heart. If for some reason our heart fails to beat properly; it can be shocked back into a sinus rhythm that is acceptable for continued viability.  So what happens when the physical body no longer can sustain life? One theory is that the “soul part” leaves the body and journeys on to another dimensional realm.

Our perception of what makes a viable life source is clouded by what we can view with the human eye.  What if you suspended your current view point and follow me in another direction for a bit to see how deep the rabbit hole might actually go. 

Once the life force leaves the body it collects into its simplest form; that of a circle or “orb.” Just as in life it has a DNA signature, along with your personality and emotional traits. You are now however in the spiritual realm and have adapted to a new dimensional set of rules.

Your new form is comprised of 3 layers they are as follows: 

1.        Etheric Body:  This is the thickest part of the newly formed orb and acts as a containment vessel for the other less dense layers. Think of it as skin for the spiritual body.

2.       Ecto Layer:  This is the next layer and is comprised of Ectoplasm.  Think of this layer as the central nervous system.

3.       Energy Matrix:  This is where awareness is centralized.  Think of this layer as the brain.

A bit of Science

Based on what we learned in science we also learned that there is a “full spectrum of light” both visible and invisible to the human eye.  Colors which come before the color red are considered to be in the Infrared, and vibrate around 1100 nanometers (nm).  Those which proceed past the color violet vibrate around 300nm. The entire spectrum of visible light vibrates at frequencies between about 400nm to 800nm.

•Violet: 400 - 420 nm
•Indigo: 420 - 440 nm
•Blue: 440 - 490 nm
•Green: 490 - 570 nm
•Yellow: 570 - 585 nm
•Orange: 585 - 620 nm
•Red: 620 - 780 nm

While we humans cannot see within infrared or the ultra violet areas of the light spectrum with our eyes, animals and insects can. This may account for why animals have been reported in the past to seem to react to spectral entities and ghosts.

Application of Light and the Paranormal

It is hypothesized that since everything vibrates at various rates that entities, spirits, ghosts, and orbs may be more visible in other areas of the light spectrum than the normal narrow range of light visible to humans.  Apparitions are comprised of energy and since they vibrate at both the high and low end of the scale depending on their strength it would be easier to capture them on photographs, or video.

Ghosts and other variations of spiritual matter are believed to be comprised of energy which may vibrate at either a higher or lower signature than what we can view with the naked eye.  Therefore by using a camera or a recording device that can record in the infrared spectrum the likelihood an image can be rendered.

Some “orbs” resonate with such frequency as to emit concentric rings; if you were  to shed your physical body you would most likely look like this to a sensitive.

Orbs move at such incredible speeds that only with a digital camera which flashes at 1/52,000 of a second can we freeze frame them enough to see their light body. As their bands slow down, they ionize, actually “eating” our atmosphere, and create a cloud, or misty shaped plasma form, commonly called an apparition.

There are “orbs” that are deceased humans. Infrared is the astral plane where we go immediately after death until we travel through the vortex tunnel to the light for a life review. This is also where we go in our astral bodies when we have an out of body experience.
With regard to this topic I find that there are many reasonable explanations on both sides of the fence and that it is only with further research the answers will be found. Up until just about a week ago my personal experience with “orbs” was zero. Honestly I had not had interest in such matters giving it little or no thought as I tend to deal with what I can sense about a situation. If something interesting showed up in a photo I would examine it till I was satisfied and move on to the next event.

Anyone who knows me will tell you though that my life changes with my perspective and that “Spirit” always has a sense of humor with regard to my life. I recently posed for some pictures inside a local mall which will be later super imposed onto yet another photo.  We needed some white walls to work with so I found a section of the mall that would be perfect. 

The section where this photo was taken there was no above lights and no lights from the side either. The camera lens was cleaned before the shot and there was nothing flying around, or water vapor least present.

There are multiple “orbs” in this shot. Comments on what you think would be appreciated. I really find the whole thing interesting seeing as though I have never had a picture turn out like this either of myself or anyone else ;-)

Be Well in All Things, Jackie Chin

Further studies:

Friday, April 13, 2012

Concurring Your Fear in Turbulent Times


On April 12, 2012 six large earthquakes struck the world in a matter of 24 hours.  Three 8.0 magnitude earthquakes in Sumatra: 8.9M, 8.7M, & 8.2M.  Then a 6.5 occurred off the west coast of Mexico and a 6.0 magnitude earthquake off the coast of Oregon. There have been epic storms, droughts, mass animal die offs, strange migrations, massive sink holes, unexplainable sky events, & tensions regarding 2012. It is not unreasonable to become tense in light of these occurrences’; however living in fear is not a viable option.  The following is a plan to help you walk through your daily life and help free your mind from fear that may be lingering and distracting you from living with conscious purpose.

Maintain your connection to Spirit

First and foremost remember that you have a spiritual body as well as a mental and physical one. If you’re ignoring your spiritual body your mental body will take over and fear will reside. You can help yourself by a daily practice of prayer, meditation, consuming positive affirmations and/or other reading materials. Spend time with those who devote time to creating peace and inner harmony through lectures, spiritual retreats, or other venues.

Be Compassionate

 Most are born with an innate sense of compassion a natural desire to help those who are in an emotionally unsettled state of mind (fear, anger, despair, sadness).  It is important to remember that you must maintain compassion for yourself as well; knowing when to leave a situation is an important & much needed lesson to learn.  

When it is reasonable to do so being a beacon of reason and light can help those who cannot currently help themselves. Make sure that you continue to maintain your inner peace while assisting others as they can have a tendency to become a mental drain if they require a lot of time. Once you get to the point where they can do for themselves move on with your life.  

Intention Means Everything

Whatever your mind can conceive and believe it can achieve ... " ~ Napoleon Hill

If you focus on what you want to see happen, then the chances increase that you draw into your life what you are envisioning. Think this concept is nothing but wishful thinking? Then think on this example that I frequently use with my clients: Go back to a time when you kept hoping that “something” would not happen. How much time, energy and focus did you place on this one event?

Remember now the fruits of your labors did it cause the event to not occur? Most likely the undesired situation happened anyway. WHY? It could have happened simply out of “circumstance” however, it may have been induced because you spent so much intentional time focused on “it.”

Focus, intention & desire need to be defined clearly for the ability to move in a positive direction. You may not be able to change undesirable events, but you can move your focus towards allowing compassionate, desirable future outcome.

  Limit contact with media

Although you should stay informed, the media’s sensationalism can be both addictive and deceptive. In order to stay in a positive place and effectively work with the other criteria’s of maintaining a healthy balanced state of mind stay informed, but do your best to limit your exposure to written and broadcast media.

In educating yourself you can maintain a healthy attitude in the face of turbulence.  Please understand that you are not required to assist anyone in order to move forward, but it is something that you can consider in the case that you may start to feel a desire to do something for those who are not quite there yet in their spiritual awakening.

 Now on to something fun

How to create an energetic grid

Select 3 crystals or stones of the same kind. Size does not matter; i.e., they can be very small or very large but they must be the same kind so have the same type of energy. You should select the type of crystal or stone based on the energy that is most often associated with it. (NOTE: I always recommend including clear quartz because it can be programmed to be whatever type of crystal or stone that you want it to be, and you can change that programming at any time if your needs change).

    • All-purpose – clear quartz (ask the crystal to serve whatever purpose you need)
    • Healing – aventurine, malachite
    • Love – rose quartz
    • Protection – citrine, hematite, black tourmaline (obsidian is not recommended due to the “volcanic” nature of the energy)
    • Psychic abilities – sodalite, lapis lazuli, amethyst
Place the crystals and/or stones in the shape of an equilateral triangle (or as close as possible) around the area that you wish to protect and/or empower. (NOTE: The crystals and/or stones do not need to be placed on the same level. Additionally, they do not need to be visible.)

Stand on the outside the triangle and between 2 of the points on the triangle (see picture below). The feet indicate that you can stand on any side of the triangle (i.e., only 1 side is needed).

Ask your guides to help you to empower this grid. If you are trained in Reiki or other healing modalities, you can also call on your healing guides to assist you.

Begin pulling white light/energy down through your crown chakra and let it flow down your arm and into the palm of your dominant hand. Then direct your palm toward the crystals and/or stones as described below:

Start by crossing your dominant arm across your body (i.e., start to your left if you are right-handed or to your right if you are left-handed) and direct you palm/hand toward the crystals and/or stones in that corner of the triangle.

Move your palm/hand toward each of the crystals and/or stones in a clockwise direction until you have completed 3 complete circuits and have returned to where you started (i.e., you will finish with your dominant arm crossing your body).

Stay with each corner of the triangle for as long as you are guided to do so, but a few seconds per corner is usually all that is needed.

Thank your guides for helping you to empower this grid.

 How often should you re-grid?

 You can re-grid as often as you wish. However, if the area is subjected to negative or toxic energy, then re-gridding will be needed more often. There are many different methods you can use to determine when an area needs to be re-gridded. Just a few of these include:

If you are sensitive to how energy “feels,” then re-grid whenever you feel that the energy in the space isn’t quite as positive as it used to be.

If you are not as sensitive to energy, then I recommend re-gridding whenever you think about it because this is often your guides “whispering in your ear” that it’s time to re-grid.

If you are skilled in the use of a pendulum, you can ask if the space needs to be re-gridded.

For example, given my home is generally a very positive area, I tend to re-grid once a month. However, when I used to work in a very stressful office, I would re-grid my office on a weekly basis (or more often if I felt it was needed).

Other times when you should consider re-gridding:

You should re-grid if the crystals and/or stones are moved because this breaks the energy circuit you’ve created.

You probably should re-grid if you have rearranged furniture.;

You probably should re-grid if you have had a significant disruption in the energy within the space (e.g., visitors in your home for an extended period of time).

 Additional information about creating energy grids

If you are guided to do something in a way that differs from the directions above, please trust that guidance (e.g., using your non-dominant hand, starting with a different crystal, moving in a counter-clockwise direction).

Although the area inside the triangle is the most powerful area in the grid, you can ask your guides to broaden the protected and empowered areas to areas outside the triangle (see next bullet for suggestion).

While doing the gridding, you may choose to recite a prayer or mantra of some kind. Any prayer or spiritual saying is fine. For example, when I create my grids, I repeat the following phrase: “I empower this grid and the surrounding area with Christ’s white light.” This phrase becomes a rhythmic chant as I continue around the corners of the triangle.

You can use more than one type of crystal and/or stone in each corner, but I do not recommend using more than 3 different crystals or stones per grid because the energies involved may begin to interfere with each other. For example, you might place 1 citrine in each of the 3 corners for protection, 1 rose quartz in each of the 3 corners for love, and 1 amethyst in each of the 3 corners to increase psychic communication.

If you are trained in Reiki, then you can grid from a distance using the Distance Symbol.

You can grid the entire house or you can grid each individual room within the house. If you grid the entire house, one suggestion is to bury the crystals outside the house so that a larger portion of the empowered space covers the house and so the crystals or stones are less likely to be moved.

However, if using this approach to gridding a large building, either (a) you will need do the actual gridding from a distance using Reiki or  (b) you will need to do the gridding after dark so no one observes you and wonders what you are doing!

Monday, March 5, 2012

From A Ghosts Point of View

Written by: Sandra J. Wells
Sandra's Face Book Page
author's note (I wrote this article some time ago before my first book came out….giving readers a look at the world of what ghosts might tell us about their existence.)

I have asked myself  “Why do you become a paranormal investigator?” The living would tell you that becoming one is quite easy, just pick up a camera, recorder, and find a place you want to investigate and there you go but it is not that easy. There is so much more than what you can understand about our existence.

I have encountered many people who call themselves paranormal investigators or ghost hunters. They come and go using strange devices trying to capture a photograph, sound or my voice. There are many different categories I would place these people into. There are some of you people who seem to think that by screaming at me with fowl language and insults that I will respond to you in a cordial manner. Would you? This is not only disrespectful but it angers me to the point that it makes me want to lash out at you or anyone with you. I am no different now as a ghost than I was as a person. Think about this, what would you do if someone was screaming in your face? The normal living persons reaction would be to get angry, right? Then why would you think that I would react any differently. I am not sure about any other ghost like myself but I would appreciate if a lot of you would stop using strange rituals to get rid  of us.

The second type of people I have encountered are so scared of me that they run every time I try to talk to them, freak out when I manage to show myself or run screaming from the building because I touched them to let them know I was there. How do you ever expect to get any answers, we (ghosts) will continue to be the “Unknown” if you will not accept our ways of communicating with you. Your fear of us is the wall that stands between us because you are too frightened to accept that we are not as complicated as you make us out to be. Last but definitely not least are my favorite type of people who are a privilege to communicate with. These are the “Real” paranormal investigator.

A “Real” investigator is someone who has thought out what the afterlife may be like and continues to change and grow within the research they do. They treat me with respect and truly understand that I am not here to try and frighten or harm them. . My limitations of not being in a physical form often gets in the way of talking to you. Plus, the fact that you can not see me makes it much more difficult for us to interact as I would like. Some of you sit quietly in a room and allow me to approach peacefully in a quiet manner, you give me the time needed to speak so that you can hear my voice and what I have to say. I do not completely understand your equipment as yet; but I am learning, I am often frightened by these new gadgets that you seem to be using now but I know they are not meant to harm but to acquire proof that I am with you. I will try not be afraid of those things so that I am more easily available to you.

One last thing before I go, there are some in my world that are not as nice as me. They lived their lives as unsavory people and continue this same personna even in our existence. Please understand that most of us start out here with much confusion, frustration and fear. We attempt to learn our limitations of this new life that we are living without a physical body. We are in despair, lost and in fear you people who treat us badly. Do not let this lead you to misunderstand that we all are evil. Our energy that you encounter is of a person that used to be not of some horrific creature ready to pounce on you at every moment. Thank you for listening to my story….(by a ghost)

Sandra J Wells is a Free Lance Writer, Author, and Motivational Mentor

Sandra is an accomplished free lance writer of published articles that are featured on popular paranormal blogs. She is also a published author of three fiction books currently and in the process of writing her fourth book that will be a non-fiction project. All of her books are available everywhere online (i.e. Amazon, Barnes & Noble etc.) in both the printed and E-Book market. Sandra has three years experience as a radio host and will be soon launching her new show “The Brass Ring” that falls under the category of Spiritualism.

Motivational Mentoring is one of Sandra’s favorite passions. She feels helping others motivating them to change their way of thinking about themselves and their lives is important for the spiritual well being.

Sandra is also a Spiritual Energy Advisor who has the ability to communicate with spirit and read the energy of both the living and spirit. Researching and investigating the paranormal is one of her enjoyments in life. She has been exploring the unknown for about thirty years with her husband and says she will continue to do this research as long as she is able.

Sandra was born in Southern Illinois but has lived most of her life in Washington State with her husband of thirty two years. She is the mother of one beautiful daughter and three amazing granddaughters who are all her blessing from God.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sandra Wells from BookBuzzin4U and Jackie Chin

Click & Listen to the Show Live 6pm PST -- 9pm EST Tuesday 31, 2012

I am excited to be invited onto BookBuzzin4U to chat about my newest book project in its final stages of completion, and all things paranormal this Tuesday January 31, 2012.  Like the paranormal? Interested in learning how to publish your own manuscript? Come join us live and call in @  1 (213) 943-3717.  Can't make it live? Blogspot is always on when you are so stop back click the link above and listen to the podcast.
To learn more about Sandra Well's business plan for you check out the link and info below:

 Are you a writer of paranormal, supernatural, or spiritual writing projects?
If so, BookBuzzin 4U is the place you want to be! Publishing Coach& Owner, Sandra J Wells, specializes in all genres related to the paranormal for your self-publishing eBook needs.

It’s tough to be an aspiring, budget-minded author these days. The competition is very high right now, with some amazing authors breaking into the literary industry. That is why BookBuzzin4U is in business: to give YOU a headache-free boost toward becoming a published eBook author.

"What do we mean by a headache-free boost?"

Your Publishing Coach is not just here to be your cheerleader. Sandra is here to do all the hard work for you. Why? Because she wants you to succeed.

Top-Notch Consulting Services
Just need some advice about a publishing or marketing problem? We do that, too, through our A La Carte services. Sandra will provide you with some great advice pertaining to your situation with her own expert and unique twist. She also offers motivational and spiritual coaching. You can count on Sandra to provide you with the solutions you need. Contact Sandra Today!! Take a look at our website! Go to the Services page and check out what BookBuzzin4U can do for your publishing and marketing needs. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to Contact Sandra for the answers.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Bulldog's The Rude Awakening Morning Show & Jackie Chin 12/19/11

Broadcasting from Beautiful Ocean City Maryland it's Bulldog's The Rude Awakening Morning Show

Pod Cast for the show I was on where you hear the results of football results for week 15 you have to click on the link and go to week 19 show.

Football week 15 results and picks for week 16

auction idea
UPDATE: The paper that I wrote the week 15's picks on will be auctioned off in the next week to benefit a local food bank in Ocean City Maryland stay tuned for new updates about how you can find out how to participate in the auction.

UPDATE 12:27:2011
This is what I picked on air for the 16th week: Huston, Buffalo, Cincinnati, Tennessee, Oakland, New England, Jets, Pittsburgh, Washington,Carolina,Baltimore,San Diego,Dallas, Seattle, New Orleans. The Rude Awakening Morning Radio Show has made football fun again for me thanks guys ;-) Giggle I even got to play station manager for about 20 seconds when I asked if we could go to a commercial before I made the picks. No matter how this turns out I had awesome fun. UPDATE: here is how week 16 games played out in the winners circle...Buffalo, Cincinnati, Tennessee, Oakland, New England, Pittsburgh, Carolina, Baltimore, Green Bay and New Orleans.

Psychic's & Football your morning just got SUPER-SIZED!!! 

Bulldog is the General Manger of Irie Radio, Inc. as well as the creator and host of The Rude Awakening Show. He has no prior experience of management or radio broadcasting and it is obvious to both his listeners and staff. He obtained the management position when he beat station owner, Leighton Moore, in a game of backgammon.
Prior to moving to the Eastern Shore, Bulldog lived in Chicago, St. Maarten, Houston, Guantanamo Bay and 18 months at the Miami Correctional Center. He has traveled extensively and once took a vow of celibacy for several hours while touring with the Benedictine Monk Choir throughout Korea. He has been to all seven continents and currently has a P.O. Box address in Antarctica where he spends time during the summer months.
Bulldog is a collector of Precious Moments figurines, WWII shoelaces, Yankee Doodle candles and broken Christmas ornaments. He spends most weekends minding his booth at local flea markets and is a regular at Amish festivals. He likes roller coasters, long walks on the beach, banjo music and watching infomercials.

How it all began:  I was asked to do the picks for week of the 15th all in good 
fun so I said sure I will give it a go.  I had not watched a football game in at least 3 years and I have not had TV in my home for at least 5 months now (that's a whole nuther story though.) I figured heck's this should be all good humor fun. If you were listening to the show though when I first was on I had an amazingly difficult time picking up anything even remotely about the hosts or the guests.  I suppose they were expecting me to just trail down the prime rose path of doom and go bust completely.  I am thrilled to say I managed to pull it out of the bag and hit a home run the following are picks and I also list the results.  Currently this is Monday 11:05 am EST so the evening game has not been played yet.
This is the group of football games that I picked for Bulldog's Rude Awakening Morning Show on December 15th 2011:
Here is the line up I told them... Tampa, Buffalo, Seattle, Indy, Kansas, Cincinnati, New Orleans, Washington,Huston,Oakland,New England,Jets, Arizona, San Diego, San Francisco. If you follow football at all I would like your opinion of how I picked cause I have not watched a football game in well, years.
Like · · Share · December 15 at 9:00am

Here are the winners so far as of Sunday 19th 2011: Seattle, Indy, Kansas, Cincinnati, New Orleans, Washington, New England, Arizona, San Diego. There is one more game Monday Night I picked San Fransisco to win ;-)  
PODCAST - Bulldog's Rude Awakening Show - #iTunes SUBSCRIBE TODAY -
We have Lee from Malibu's with the Surf Report, the very mystical Jackie Chin checks back in with us, actor Tom Sullivan joins us, we will have the WINNER of CBS' "Survivor", and A WHOLE LOT MORE!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Clara Normal Talk Radio and Jackie Chin 12-16-11

Clara Normal Claranormal Talk Radio, We talk all about the paranormal, pro, con, ufos, bigfoot, you name it! Founded in 2007, Claranormal is an ongoing paranormal investigative group who's aims are to help people, those with paranormal issues, and those in the field, and to bring a greater understanding that when we pass away, we simply go home. Life continues after living.
THANK YOU CLARA NORMAL I appreciated being on your show 12-16-11 and look forward to doing other shows with you.  

Saturday, December 10, 2011

How to create Momentum in your life NOW!!

 Recently someone stopped by my AOL room and asked when their work situation would change from part time to full time. Immediately I was pushed by spirit back to April of this year, and asked if they had been part time since that month. She said that she had moved to an apartment at the end of April, and that nothing in her life seemed to be going right since. She chose the apartment because it was cheaper, and it just seemed to be the right thing for her to do at the time.

What creates a lack of momentum and how do you change the pattern or frequency of dense energy that stops forward production?

The more that you tell yourself there is a problem the more you will continue to get yourself deeper into the vortex you call your personal hell. A major cause of stagnation is becoming detached from your spiritual center. This spiritual energy center is where creative, intuitive and knowing are processed. If this energy point is interrupted it will cause chaos and force you to become off balance in your conscious being.

The above individual stopped their forward movement once they made the decision to take the cheaper apartment fearing perhaps that they would not make enough to have something more to their liking they created the illusion of not having enough which throughout the year became their reality. What is important to note here is that there was a choice made an event if you will which led up to the outcome. 

Nothing is devoid of consequence. She went on talking about how difficult living in the area was, how she always lacked for money, and how miserable she was, and when I said she put herself into that situation based on her free will she was upset, and tried to rationalize how she was without options.

If you only look at your situation with the intent of enforcing how much of a problem it is then you will not break the energy cycle. If you use words like don't, can't, won't have __________ you enforce this to the universe. If you avoid underlying social, personal, and physical signs then you will enforce the situation to continue. If you constantly avoid being in the now and seek out the “what if factor” you will be dissatisfied in the outcome every time. Finally, if you have an agenda that is so far off your personal center it forces you to go around in circles instead of creating harmony then you need to re-evaluate your spiritual aim.

If you have found yourself at a crossroads with your current life choices you may want to consider a different perspective. Momentum requires energy you need to remember your entire body is made of energy particles all vibrating at different tones. This energy can create thought that can make your body feel lousy or amazingly in touch. You have a choice you can take a deep look at your thought processes and discover how much garbage you’re feeding on with regards to your thoughts. Are you surrounding yourself with images, and sounds which create your mental imprisonment, or are you focusing on things which create balance?

Are you telling yourself that nothing you do will ever make your life improve, or are you seeing the situation as a turning point? "Problems" are necessary for progress. They tend to force you out of your comfort zone and make a choice. Do you choose to say I won't, can't, or do you seek out guidance and knowledge to assist you in making progress?

If you have a certain goal in mind finding only obstructions instead re-evaluate. Place the idea in your head that you already have finished your goal. How has obtaining the goal changed your life? What will it do if anything for the betterment of others? Part of the reasoning behind why you have not achieved the current desire is that you may be unconsciously stopping the progress. Why? You may feel that you are not good enough for it, or you may know in your spiritual core that ___________ is truly not what you need to create peace within. Once you have discovered what is driving you to make the choices you do, you will see a clearer path.

If you truly are at that proverbial crossroad, and you really are seeking change outside of chaos you must be honest with yourself. Stop the mental drama of I must have things a certain way according to popular media, peer group, or self talk that denigrates your soul body. Stripping away the layers of self doubt, illusions of darkness, fear, greed, anything that clouds your spiritual center will allow for a higher soul vibration.

Your soul vibration what truly makes you unique and create a knowing that you are on the right path has been clouded by all of the negative input from the time you were first conceived till your current heartbeat. The illusion you have been under is that you can not change your path. This negative seed was given to you as a "gift" since you would never really appreciate how amazing your life could really be until you experienced sorrow, fear, dread, loneliness, desperation, and then finally becoming awakened. It is when you "Know" these things that you can emphatically, unequivocally, compassionately respond to others.
The steps to becoming aware of what road you should be on come truly from within your own core. You must step outside of your illusion of the have not's and walk in the light of your path that one that resonates with I WILL ACHIEVE

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Kris Allen's the World is my Country and Jackie Chin

 I am thrilled to be a part of Kris Allen's radio show "The World is my Country" December 11, 2011 @ 8-9 EST
Welcome to Kris Allen’s The World is my Country.

Join country music artist Kris Allen and his guest in a show that is just about everything you can think of and more. Kris Allen is well known throughout the entertainment industry as one of the top country radio host celebrities not to mention being a world renowned country recording artist. The show will have many different guests throughout the entertainment world and also Kris will bring you some of the newest talent as well. The show just isn’t about music either Kris Allen will bring you on journeys from one end of the world to the other. So sit back and enjoy the show.

Here is the archived show 12-11-11                        

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Recent comments on Best Psychic Directory about Jackie Chin

Amazingly accurate reading with Jackie!! She is very insightful, kind, and an amazing person! I feel so relieved and almost peaceful after talking to her. She is straight to the point, and "KNOWS" what she is talking about when doing the reading. Happy that a friend led me to her! Highly recommended to won't regret it!!  posted on Aug 8, 2011 by Dawn Sandy

This was what I had been longing for. Some psychics give you the run around but Jackie didn't do this. It was so wonderful to have a reading done by her and now, I feel more prepared, empowered, and confident to continue my journey. Thank you so much.  posted on Oct 8, 2011 by Ta Neil Adams

The reading I had with Jackie was fantastic, and accurate. I'm a return customer, and trust Jackie since she has never failed me.  posted on Nov 15, 2011 by April Mck

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Para-X Radio

My first ever radio show with Para-X amazing click on the link then go to the ON DEMAND button click that and scroll down to psychic fair and look for my name Jackie Chin to hear the show THANK YOU SO MUCH PARA-X
Para X Radio broadcasts all paranormal content from all sides of the paranormal universe. Para X Radio is unbiased, and promotes equality through our programming by inviting anyone to respectfully share their opinions during our live shows through our chat room and call-ins when available.

A New Understanding Past Meets Present

                   Mind, Body, and Spirit                        Your Journey to introspection So now you have come to the understanding t...