Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Are you the parent of a Para-Normal Child?

Let me start with saying all children are born with abilities to sense things around them because they are pure in their energy. What do I mean by pure in energy? They are here from the source from which all things exist. This energy is a light source which surrounds all living things and in children it burns the brightest. Think on this light around your child as a beacon of light in the darkness. Entities sense this light in their darkness and they many time go to see it find out what the source is, and eventually try to communicate with the child.

Simply because the entity is near a child however, does not mean that the child will acknowledge it existence. I strongly believe that the child has to see it and speak to it before the entity can form any sort of attachment positive or negative. Teaching your child at an early age to not speak to stranger’s, and to let the parental know that someone is around will help you know when someone is around that is also unseen to you.

If your child comes to you and says that they see, hear, feel someone around them that makes them feel uneasy, or that they really like do not automatically think that it’s their imagination stirring. Take mental notes of when the child sees this person, how they are speaking to you about them for instance are they agitated, or extremely excited? And for those parental that are just on the fence about all of this psychic stuff I have nothing to prove to you, but you know your child best and if they are displaying such information I’m asking you to simply listen to them. If you find that there is something more to it than just their imagination e-mail me or call I will do what I can to help you figure it out.

Your Psychic Child may exhibit one or more of the following abilities as with all talents they may vary in degree and scope.

Empathy (clairsentients)

Perhaps the most helpful and valuable psychic ability for any child is the power of clairsentience, also known as empathy. Empathy is the capability to sense, feel, and comprehend the physical emotions of others, including animals or even spirits. Not just by body language, but by the channeling of feelings as well. This ability can also extend to much more, such as being able to project your own emotions onto someone else or feeling the physical sensations of another, i.e. the pain felt from a cut.

Children born with this gift can become confused and disoriented if they do not get a certain degree of control on it, especially the one’s growing up in an environment of constant emotional problems; this can lead to stress which can develop some mental and emotional disorders in the child (and not to mention bad habits such as smoking or drug abuse), therefore it is highly important to help the child understand and help learn manage his/her ability.

Helping kids grow as clairsentients can have endless benefits for them. When kids are more aware of other people’s feelings they tend to have more sympathy toward others, allowing them to interact better and positive with other people. When a child becomes in tuned with another’s emotions, they learn to deal with issues in a more positive form. But also, if a child with a strong empathic ability is not taught to block unwanted emotions like anger and other related negative feelings, they tend to stress and act in the same manner the source of emotion is behaving.

For example, if other kids around them are experiencing negative emotions, then an empathic child has a higher risk of acting in the same manner. Grounding themselves can be helpful when trying to evade and deflect negative energies.

Signs of ability:

- Constantly crying when other children cry.
- Very compassionate towards others, animals, and even plants.
- Knows exactly how someone is feeling even if the person does not show it.
- Can perceive specific detail on how and why a person is feeling the way they are.

Practical exercises:

- Close your eyes and try to feel how your child is feeling without checking out his body language, vice-versa by asking him to do the same.
- To block unwanted emotions, have the child close his/her eyes and to imagine a bubble of golden light surrounding their body.


Another useful and astonishing ability is the mental skill of telepathy. This is the ability to perceive the thoughts of a person, or light being and also send their own thoughts to that same person, or light being. Children born with high levels of this ability can become confused with random and sometimes unwanted thoughts. Adults with such children can often feel upset for fear that the child will learn things that they are too young to handle, or that they have to focus on everything they think when their child is around.

This is why it is extremely important to teach children healthy boundaries at an early age. If you teach them that a person’s body consists of mind, body and spirit, and that thought is part of that spiritual body and off limits unless there is danger then you have a good healthy beginning for your psychic child.

Benefits for telepathic children are that they always know what is going on in their peer’s lives and if they feel there is a troubling situation they may be able to help. They do very well in school most times if they quiet their mind the answers will come to them. They can tell when someone is lying to them, or trying to take advantage.

Signs of ability:

-Finishing people’s sentences on a regular basis
-Talks/writes/draws about something or a certain subject before anyone else exhibits the same thing.
-Will come to you before someone calls and tell you who it will be and when.
-Talks about the same dream someone else has had during the night before.
-Connecting with someone on an astral level and coming back with information that you know they could not have known.

Practical exercises

-Using the Zener symbols (or regular playing cards) on a piece of paper and taking note on how many they get right, and their consistency of accuracy.
-Draw a picture and ask your child to close their eyes and concentrate on it see if they can draw it, or get any impressions on what they think it may be.
-Think of them in your mind and see if they respond to you from another room.

*Most importantly remember these examples are meant to be fun and informative do not over stimulate your child, or question them until they become frustrated.

Clairvoyance (Seers)

This ability is the gift of precognition which gives the seer the ability to have sight into the future. There are many different ways that this gift can be manifested mainly the individual receives mental pictures which can be brought on by talking to someone who is giving off information, or someone who asks direct questions. Sometimes the seer can use other tangible means to acquire the information. They may be taught to read tea leaves or tarot cards or look into a bowl of water or stare at a candle flame. All of these methods are used to enhance the images, and none of them are the sole cause as to why the individual can see. There has to be something which triggers these events. The seer must also be taught that they can control what images they receive and when they receive them.

Of all the gifts this one is the most frustrating to some children who feel that they are not in control of their thoughts much of the time once this activity begins to take a part in their lives. I remember when I was very young and I began to see more clearly it was scary at first because I had no idea where the images were coming from or what if anything I was supposed to do about them.

I am happy to say that I had good teachers who gently began to explain how things worked and how one day I would be grateful for the ability.

Many time these seeing events come on as dreams, thought or just simply intense feelings about the future, and even sometimes the past. Children with these gifts can often feel confused, misunderstood and sometimes out casted if they talk about what they can do.

With all the Earth changes and social issues which can be very over whelming to us as parents these visions can take the child by the emotional hand and give them such a scare. As a parent who is recognizing that this may be in fact what your child is experiencing it is imperative that you listen to what they have to say. Talking with your child can help to ease their fears, and divert emotional issues later. If you as a parent fear what your child is seeing you can contact me at and I can make some suggestions for you to get you some peace of mind.

Signs of ability:

-Talks/draws/writes emotionally about future events that actually come to pass.

Practical exercises:

-Advising them to keep a dream journal to get the information out of their heads.
-Tell your child that you love them unconditionally and that anything they have to say will be treated with respect, and that you will not laugh at them.
-Relate to your child even if you have never had a clairvoyant feeling ever tell them that you know what it’s like to have bad feelings, or feel like you were just over whelmed. Building trust within your parent child relationship is extremely important.

Mediums: Those who see angels, and/or spiritual energy both deceased and living.

This ability is one that can easily get out of hand early if you are not aware of your child’s normal behavior. This can be seen at an early age as the child just having an imaginary friend ( ) however it can be much more than just a friendly imaginary friend. Children are born directly from source and because of this they are seen by those who have died as pure light. This aura around children is like a beacon to those who have peacefully crossed over as well as those entities who wish to do harm. These children are emotionally and physically highly sensitive to these sorts of energy beings and once they begin to display this ability the parental needs to be very much aware and in touch with the child to guide them.

Signs of ability:

-Talking freely about loved ones who have died/describing them in full/having knowledge that only the loved one would know.
-Describing what it is like on the other side/events that had occurred before the child’s birth/talking about places that they have never been before in detail.
-Becoming agitated when someone tells them that they are not seeing this spirit/becoming very buoyant when discussing this unseen spirit.
-Changes in behavior for the better or worse.
-Drawing/writing their visits with the spirit.

Practical exercises:

When a child tells you that they hear, feel; see someone with them in their room, or in certain areas of their environment listen. Ask them to describe the individual to the best of their ability.

-If the child is frightened, agitated, or otherwise out of sorts with the spirit listen to them do not dismiss it as a bad dream. Children are not stupid they know when something is really just a nightmare, or when they feel like someone is really trying to get them. Listen to them and actively take part in removing their fears. I will be writing another post on how to teach your
child to protect themselves against the unseen spirits. If you find that you need to talk to me sooner you can e-mail me at  and we can discuss your case.

The most important thing to remember here is that your child relies on you to protect them. We have three parts to our humanness they are: Mind, Body and Spirit. Each one of these is interdependent on the other. You know yourself if your mind has become over extended with worry that eventually your body is going to take a toll. Once this begins your spiritual body also begins to take a back seat. Many times we pray, or experience spiritual matters when we need something. Learning about spirit before you really need help is what these articles are intended to teach.

You are blessed simply because you breathe understand this and TEACH YOUR CHILDREN THE SAME.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Awakening: The Process of Becoming Psychic

Sometimes it comes in flash quick pictures pieces of a puzzle that don’t quite make sense. Sometimes it’s a smell a whiff of flowers, cologne, cigars. Sometimes it’s buzzing, nausea, or a  whirling feeling. No matter how it occurs it is very likely that spirit is sending a message. In this piece I will offer some insight into how spirit makes its self known to those who are willing to listen.One thing that most people notice right away is their sleep patterns start to change when they are encountering spirit. Many times it can be misconstrued as a symptom of stress, however if you wake up feeling like you have been somewhere else physically, wake up more than a few times per night feeling like you must write something, talk to someone, or have an idea that you just can’t let go of then you probably are experiencing spirit (having a paranormal experience.)

Is the top of your crown (crown chakra) or your third eye charka warm, tingling, or cooler than normal, or does it feels like it is being physically tapped on? If the answer is yes to any of these situations then you are probably experiencing spiritual energy. Normally this will not occur unless you ask your spiritual guides to assist in allowing you to become more intently aware of spiritual activity around you.

It is important to take notes with regard to this activity and change in sleep patterns to give you a basic understanding of how spirit will use your resting time for your benefit. If you find that you are having way to much information given to you (spirit is all energy and does not process information like we do in smaller waves of energy) then you can ask to have smaller sessions, or completely stop them for a while. Although it’s very interesting to those who are new to the vibration of spirit it can be very over whelming so take things in small steps and process them at your rate of comfort. It generally takes 21 days to make or break a pattern although everyone is at their own level it may take less or longer to adjust.

Are you experiencing odd sensations at the crown? Intense itching, tingling, crawling, tapping sensations are all a part of your spiritual body becoming awakened. That soft spot at the very top of your head is where your direct connection to spirit is formed from time you were born until you leave this physical world. It is seen as your spiritual life line not unlike that of an umbilical cord, and the connection to mother and child. It is at this point where spirit will enter into your physical awareness so when it becomes active you will experience a prickly sensation at first then it will evolve with your education. Think on this as information download be aware of your physical space and tell spirit when you have had enough. You will also notice when you are out in public that sometimes you will feel that buzzy feeling this is spirits way of telling you to pay attention. You can be fully satisfied that spirit is paying attention.

Are you emotions seemingly out of control? Do you experience crying jags which come over you unexpectedly? Do others notice that your moods swing widely without cause? Do you feel intense pressure on your chest while experiencing these emotional feelings? There is often an intense emotional roller coaster which stems from the onset of spiritual awareness. Once you have declared that you are not experiencing an emotional meltdown which would require professional guidance from a psychologist and/or a medical doctor you can then move on to a more esoteric level. Spirit does not always take into account human levels of emotion, or the fact that we don’t process things as fast as they do so it can be quite over whelming to go painful memories at a fast rate. Remember you can tell spirit “hey I need more time to process, and they will back off.” The reason why they want you to move through quickly is that once you have rid yourself of your personal burdens which many times can cause physical ailments’ you will have more time to work on spiritual matters.

Are you becoming more sensitive to touch, taste, smell, or light? It is not your imagination, but your spiritual awareness which has changed. Many begin to see auras around living things such as plants, animals and people. This is because your personal vibration has raised so much so that you are truly becoming more sensitive. Colors will appear more vibrant to you and you may also begin to see outlines of geometric shapes. Also your peripheral vision will become more advanced as you will begin to see your guides as perhaps at first misty in color, but later in full form if you so desire.

No matter what happens you are in control of where your spiritual gifts go towards. If you feel at anytime you are seeing things which you would desire not to you can tell spirit “I don’t want to do this anymore.” If you feel that you want to advance more you can ask your guides to show you more things in your dream time, meditation, or other quiet time. It is very important to develop all three sides to your being: Mind, Body and Spirit, and to neglect any of these will eventually cause you to lose sight of why you are really here. You’re a spiritual being experiencing a human existence. It is your purpose to learn as much about compassion, love and understanding of the human species as you possibly can so that one day you will teach others to rise up and walk in peace.

Author Note***As with all things I speak of regarding the paranormal research your own experiences, and if necessary follow up with your doctors to make sure you are of sound mind and body.  Many of these above aspects of spiritual activity can also be equated to emotional dysfunctions so take care to make sure you speak with your doctor if you feel there is something more going on then a spiritual awakening.

For questions regarding this topic, or any other paranormal question

How to Schedule a Reading

Hello and thank you for your interest in scheduling a reading.  You can reach me at 330-824-1286 or send me an E-Mail at  I will answer you within 24 hours or less.  There are buttons on my blog page for payment options to the extreme right of the page just scroll past the comment section for links.  You can either use your paypal account or a credit card either of which are processed through paypal.  My policy on readings if you are not satisfied within the first 5-10 minutes of your reading I will refund without a hassle.  So try a reading today and experience peace of mind for your tomorrows.

$15.00 for 15 mins.
$25.00 for 30 mins.
$45.00 for 60 mins.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Psychic Children & Imaginary Friends: A Parent’s Guide


As a psychic, and experienced parent, my husband and I both have had to field questions from our children about entities they have seen in both their living space and in public. You see four of our children are extremely aware of energies around them and have often been approached by those who have not yet crossed to the other side.

Some of the questions are about seeing colors around other people, or about stones and crystals and how to make energy balls. However, sometimes their questions turn into concerns when they ask about energy that tends to bother, or scare them.

Children are born curious and want to see, feel; understand what is happening around them. They are innocent and not far from source (that from which all things are created) and are like little beacons of light; full of innocence and very impressionable. It is because of this that they are susceptible to energies here which have been left by others who have gone on before in physical form, and those which have been here since the dawn of time.

As responsible parents we try to protect our children from things that we know to be harmful and teach them how to protect themselves from strangers and what to do when there is an emergency. However, there is not much in the way of information when it comes to our children being scared or harmed by things which are unseen.

For those of us reading this, we have an idea that there are things in everyday life that can cause imbalance in our environment and we are taught how to use tools of the trade to get rid of spirits, ghosts and residual energies. When it comes to our children we don’t necessarily know right off the bat what they are seeing or how they are processing it. Or even how we should handle it when they come to us and say, "Mommy I was not dreaming; I saw a shadow man and it scared me." Let alone if they come to us and say, "Who is that person? I can see right through them and they are talking to me."

How do we as parents discern if they are actually seeing these forms, or if they are imagining them? Doctors have known for decades that children, through a natural process, can develop imaginary friends as a part of healthy psychological development.

There is, however, quite a difference between imaginary playmates and those who have actually lived before. Psychic abilities can manifest in various ways such as: medium, clairvoyant, clairaudient, claircognizant, clairsentient, precognitive, empathic, or any combination of the above.

When researching these techniques you may see evidence of your child having psychic abilities rather than a vivid imagination. The best way to find out what is happening with your child is to ask them. Have them describe what they are seeing without asking leading questions.

When the child is interacting with a spirit the description of that entity will be the same no matter what time of day and how much time passes. If it is imaginary these details will change with the whim of the child. The child will give details of their personal likes and dislikes; repeat things that their imaginary friend tells them. If, however, they give information about loved ones that the child could not possibly know, or describe environments that you know for a fact they have no knowledge of, then you need to pay close attention.

Imaginary friends will not exhibit a glow around them and are generally not something that a young child will speak about. If your child talks about the pretty colors around this new friend or about the friend looking different than say a regular person, listen to what they have to say without judgment.

If your child says they are saying words that they don’t understand, dressing different than what would be a contemporary look or are much older than they are, have them draw what they see and do the best that they can in explaining how they feel when this new friend is around.

As a parent, take care to watch when your child appears to be playing with their friend; take note of their attitude when playing, what they do, where they go. Is there a particular place in the child’s environment where they play more, or less? When removed from the environment does the child become more at peace or agitated and aggressive?

Knowing your child is extremely important, that means you have to spend time with the child; really get to know what they like or don’t like; what their temperament is and how they respond to new stimulus. It is almost like psychology 101, but in these days and times energy is moving and blending faster than it ever has before and children are in fact like little sponges soaking it all up.

Children are very creative and they enjoy describing different things they like and how they see their personal environment. Listen to them describe how they relate to this new friend, what is the character of this energy, how is it dressed, how does it talk, what is it trying to convey to the child? Since this new energy has arrived has the demeanor of the child changed. Have they become afraid of the dark? Has their sleeping pattern changed for the better, or worse?

If this behavior continues for more than a few weeks or if you notice that the child is becoming more agitated, having trouble in school, not speaking with regular friends, or becoming reclusive. It is time for action. Hopefully as an aware parent who understands that there are psychics and that they are not abnormal you will have someone you can already turn to with regard to the paranormal.

For those who do not already know someone, please first go by word of mouth before you try a complete stranger. Those who are truly gifted and can help your situation will not take advantage of you, or make the situation worse. If you are having a hard time trying to find someone contact me, and I will do my best to assess your situation.

It is possible that your child is indeed seeing a spirit, and it may be very uneasy for you as a parent to recognize this as fact. The most important thing for you to do is not create fear, or doubt within your child. They need to feel comfortable in talking to you and keeping communications open. It is also important for your child to understand that they are not abnormal, and have a unique ability to see things that many simply do not and above all that they are loved.

The down side to this experience for child if not told that they are wonderfully made, is that they will withdraw, struggle for ways to cope, become depressed, wonder if they are crazy, or try to do something to make it stop. To the child with a parent who rejects these gifts, it tells them that they are unlovable, freakish, and they are being rejected. If you are accepting, patient, compassionate, your child will feel like they are in a safe haven. Positive support, nurturing environment and those willing to listen is the key to a positive direction for your child.

I know for a fact that it was not easy for me to hear when my children started telling me that they too were seeing spirits. I myself wanted to make sure that they were in fact able to do this and what was happening to them as individuals. They are all different, some see auras, others see shapes and feel energy movement. Combined they help each other and I have watched them grow throughout the years developing their God given gifts and becoming amazing people in their own rights.

I am thankful that they can share a major part of who my husband and I are as people and we will do all we can to support them in their gifts and in their lives. There are many wondrous things both seen and unseen it is up to us to unfold all that we are inside have compassion and create peace in those around us always.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Febuary 14, 2011 Radio Spot with Artie Hoffman

I would like to thank Mr. Atie Hoffman of Angels & Answers airing on Monday nights at 9 pm E.S.T. for allowing me to be on his show this past February 14th. I enjoyed chatting with Mr. Hoffman and doing live reads with his listening audience.

"In a time where so many of us are looking for answers, I have been dedicated in helping. It is through my connection that so many people have been better able to grieve and understand circumstances that surround us all." Artie Hoffman

You may find information about Mr. Hoffman at the following links.

Friday, February 11, 2011

In defense of Spiritual Gifts

Preface:  I acknowledge the fact that there are many different religions in which spiritual gifts are imparted on the faithful, and this posting does not imply that there is only one way.  It is merely what I have found to be true in my life as a Clairvoyant.

Even now after almost 24 years of experience in the psychic realm I still hear comments made by those who just don’t understand how someone can actually see, feel, or hear spiritual entities. And on occasion I am told that I am in league with the devil, or that my soul is in jeopardy of spending eternity in hell. What do they base these assumptions on? They base these concepts on fear, incorrect information, and biases connected to superstition.

I constantly tell my clients research what you hear me say, think about what I’m advising you, and listen to what your spirit voice tells you. Does it resonate with what you already know? Does it invoke a need for more information? When you get this knowledge does it create an understanding and a feeling of peace? So I too research ideas, thoughts that graze my consciousness and force me to investigate and push boundaries.

I am an avid reader of the bible as I find there are many different approaches to finding peace and understanding of God, and what makes all of my spiritual gifts possible. I offer the following as perhaps not proof exact, but as something to contemplate the next time you find you are being taken to task about where your ability comes from.

St. Paul was on a mission in the city of Corinth to teach these people that if they only focused on the material means of life and the blatant misuse of the gifts of the Holy Spirit that they would never reach the kingdom of Heaven. He also went on to discuss the power of the Holy Spirit and the importance of understanding that it presents itself in different methods for each individual who is baptized in the Spirit. St. Paul says: “…The manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; to another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; to another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another diverse kinds of tongues.” ~ I Corinthians 12: 7-10.

John 14 verse 12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works then these shall he do; because I go unto my Father-To send you the Holy Ghost. We find in Acts 5:15 Apostle Peter acquired the ability to heal the sick simply with his shadow. In Acts 19:12 Apostle Paul used handkerchiefs which had the sweat from his brow to heal those who were afflicted by pain in any manner, mental, physical and spiritual. Again in Acts 8:6-8 we are told that Philip spoke to the crowds performed miraculous signs, delivering those with evil spirits and healing the crippled and paralytic. All of the apostles were able to do these things because they had faith. There were baptized in the Holy Spirit and had knowledge that when this occurred they would be able to do what Jesus had promised.

These were ordinary men who were able to accomplish extraordinary feats through faith. I have the belief that everyone who has been born in the spirit, feels Gods presence has the duty to carry out what Jesus said and heal the lame, the poor in spirit and the afflicted from demons. Those who have the gift from birth to see such things need to be able to explore this as a gift and not be oppressed by ignorance. There is a divine reason behind this ability and it is our duty to let them feel safe and secure and do the work they came here to do.

I was baptized in water when I was an infant and in the Holy Spirit when I was 22 years of age which honestly seems like a life time ago. I had my first religious vision on that day as I saw Christ on a blank white wall he was dressed in a white robe and he had a red sash from his shoulder to his waist. I had no idea why he was dressed like that for many years after I carried the image in my mind, but one day as I was talking to someone in a bible study I found a card in the bible she was using that had this exact image I had seen so many years before it was explained on the back of the card that this meant complete forgiveness.

In all of this the lesson is forgiveness to be free from the demons in your mind which until you shut them up will continue to reinforce lies. The lie that you are crazy because you can feel, see hear spirits. The lie that you are not worthy enough to be in the presence of Spirit to heal the afflicted, and calm the confused. And finally, the lies that you are unworthy of love and cannot possibly have the ability to simply touch someone and heal them from demons in their body or in their dwelling place.

You must have faith that these occurrences in your life which have led you to read this post are not coincidence. In fact there are no coincidences there are only opportunities to enhance your perspective and make better choices.

Follow your intuition and free your spirit it’s waiting to be healed.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Teachings on Angels

“Angels transcend every religion, every philosophy, every creed. In fact angels have no religion as we know it…their existence precedes every religious system that has ever existed on earth.” St. Thomas Aquinas~
Psalm 91:11-13 For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

It is important to call on guardian angels when you are experiencing trying times, however it is even more important to know who to address when you have difficulties. I stress through all my writings that educating yourself on spiritual matters can allow you to feel less stressed, and more self assured. It is not important to have things like candles, oils and other spiritual aids. What is important is to have clear intent, focus, and a deep desire to heal.

Herein I only mention 3 of the 7 Archangels, but these three are very closely associated with many of my clients requests for assistance over the years and it is in so being that I am listing these here for you.

Archangel Michael

Many times we feel worried, frightened or otherwise disheveled by life’s situations it is in these times that we should call upon Archangel Michael. When the prefix “arch.” is attached to an angels name it shows the hierarchy of this angel is translated as chief-angel; Michael means “he who is as god.” His main purpose is to hold at bay the evils of the world, guard those who have deep faith in god in times of spiritual stress, and he is the one who threw satin back into the pit. His position is steadfast, his sword and amour are for spiritual battle, and he will never fail those who need spiritual assistance in battling the demons of the flesh, and of the spirit.

Calling on Archangel Michael

St. Michael the Archangel,
defend me from battle;
Be my safeguard
against the malice and snares
of the negative seen or unseen energy forces.

Rebuke the negative energy forces oh God
I humbly beseech you,
and do thou oh prince of the heavenly host,
by the Divine Power of God
thrust into the darkness,
all the negative seen and unseen energy forces,
and all of the ugly spirits who wander about the world
seeking the ruination of souls.

In Jesus Christ's name I pray,
who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit
One God
forever and ever.

Again praying with intent is important so when you decide that you need Archangel Michael to defend you make sure you know why you want him and what exactly you want him to do to help you with your personal demons.

Archangel Gabriel

Are you in need of guidance in the form of inspiration, are you procrastinating to the point of ridiculousness? Having trouble communicating? In need of a spiritual cheerleader? Then The Archangel for you to speak with is Gabriel. Gabriel’s name is translated as “God is my strength.” She is associate with women, childbirth, birthing new ideas, and a magnificent orator. She is unstoppable in her spirit and her purpose in life is to encourage and inspire people to be aware of the greater possibilities for their own lives and take action.

Calling on Archangel Gabriel

Saint Gabriel the Archangel, I venerate you as the Angel of the Incarnation, because God specially appointed you to bear the messages concerning the God-Man to Daniel, Zechariah, and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Give me a very tender and devoted love for the Incarnate Word and his Blessed Mother more like your own.

I venerate you also as the “Strength of God” because you are the giver of God’s strength, consoler and comforter chosen to strengthen God’s faithful and teach them important truths. I ask for the grace of a special power of the will to strive for holiness of life. Steady my resolutions; renew my courage; comfort and console me in the problems, trails and sufferings of daily living, as you consoled our Savior in his agony and Mary in her sorrows and Joseph in his trials.

I put my confidence in you. Saint Gabriel I ask you especially for this favor: (mention your request). Through your earnest love for the Son of God made man and for his Blessed Mother I beg of you, intercede for me that my request may be granted, if it will be God’s holy will.

Pray for us, Saint Gabriel the Archangel, that we may be worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen.

Archangel Raphael

Do you feel you have lost your way? Is there something missing in your life, or in your personal possession? Are you suffering from emotional trauma, spiritual bewilderment, addicted to a substance, or simply just needed some personal direction? Then the Archangel for you is Raphael. His name means “God Heals.” He is the one you call upon when you are in need of healing of any kind. Also, he is known as “the Patron of Travelers,” so when you are going to go on a journey ask him for protection to make your travels more peaceful. Archangel Raphael is the bearer of healing reaching out to Raphael is the first step to admitting that you are in need of a higher power.

Calling on Archangel Raphael

Glorious Archangel Raphael, great prince of the heavenly court, you are illustrious for your gifts of wisdom and grace. You are a guide of those who journey by land or sear or air, consoler of the afflicted, and refuge of sinners.

I beg you, assist me in all my needs and in all the sufferings of this life, as once you helped the young Tobias on his travels. Because you are the “medicine of God” I humbly prayer you to heal the many infirmities of my soul and the ills that afflict my body. I especially ask of you the favor of (mention you special intention), and the great grace of purity to prepare me to be the temple of the Holy Spirit. Amen

God, with great wisdom You direct the ministry of Angels and men. Grant that those who are always minister to You in heaven may defend us during our life on Earth. Amen. 

please take a few minutes of your time to view this link:

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A case against using spells and magic

Disclaimer* While some people use spells for religious rituals, spells performed the wrong way or with wrong intentions can be problematic.

Psychic spells are a way of focusing and manifesting psychic powers through the use of form, structure, ritual or tradition.

An advanced psychic uses psychic spells as a form of meditation: by going through the motions of the psychic spell, the psychic 'eases into' the mindset from which he or she can achieve the goal of the psychic spell most easily. Psychic spells also serve as 'mind training': by repeating the motions many times the energy pathways within the psychic's mind get clearer and stronger.

A beginner psychic often mistakenly assumes that the form of a psychic spell is the source of its power. Psychic spells only serve as a bridge between the psychic and the desired goal - the source of power is the psychic and psychic spells can only enhance that power.

A master psychic understands that psychic spells are tools and uses them as a form of leverage: the ability to achieve maximal effect with minimal energy. The psychic spells of a master psychic are a fluid motion, extensions of the psychic's consciousness, and are often made up on the spot according to circumstances and potential tools at hand

Over the years I have worked with many clients who have come to me as a last resort seeking answers, change, motivation and other releases from concerns in their lives. Some have even told me that they have been to see spiritualists who use magic to obtain their desires.

On the one hand I do not have a problem with those who occasionally light a white candle to ask for guidance from their spiritual center (God, spirit guides, loved ones crossed over) as a matter of fact I offer this as a suggestion for those who feel like they need to be more spiritually aware.

The white candle signifies bringing balance to self, and the flame signifies the light of God, or guidance from universal consciousness. It is simply a tool to help the self focus on the heart of the matter. Lighting it signifies the desire to make this connection to spirit, and saying a prayer or focusing intent is all that is required.

There are those whoever, who use candles for the sole rationale of obtaining spiritual possession over another person; it is this use of candles where I draw the line and feel the need to stop anyone who is even remotely toying with the idea. It is something that although for the most part won't do anything but deplete you pockets of hard earned cash cause more heart ache then you could even begin to imagine.

Case in point: I had a client back in 2005 who came to me and said she had gone to a spell caster and paid over 800 dollars to have someone become in love with her and leave his current girlfriend. She said that she had tried a number of things before she went to this person all to no avail. The problem? The man she thought she would love till the day she died almost did actually kill her.

As much as I believe that magic cannot do anything to the strong minded, and that if you do not know you have had any work done for you or against you that it can not do anything to you; all that seem to have just went out the door. I found that this man did not know the spell caster was not even in the same state as he was, but his actions began to change and he started to move towards his new desire I will call Maria.

Maria at first was thrilled she thought hey I spent good money and I got amazing results. However, after a number of months went by she realized that this man was really not all that she thought he was in person. Her ideals of what he would be like to have around 24/7 started to become shattered shortly after they became physical.

She did not like his rough approach and felt that she wanted him to leave her alone. He did not approve of her not wanting to be with him anymore, started to stalk her, and about 4 months after they were "together" he took her forcefully, and almost took her life.

Maria ended up moving from the state she loved and family who cared for her to get away from him. Moral of the story if the person you desire does not get you, or is not moving fast enough for you to feel secure; walk away. Do not go to a spell caster you may loose more than your cash and dignity you could lose your life!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Joyce Keller (blogtalkradio) & Jackie Chin 1-16-11

Joyce Keller

I hope you enjoy listening to the show as much as I did working with Joyce Keller.
Listen to internet radio with Joyce Keller Show on Blog Talk Radio

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Thank You to the Joyce Keller Show

Thank you to the Joyce Keller show for allowing me to talk with your listening audince about predictions for 2011, and do some readings as well.  I throughly enjoyed your warm and funny personalities, and hope that you have much peace, love and success through out 2011.  The show was orginally broadcast live on this the 16th of January on from 7-8pm EST, and will be uploaded within about 2-5 days for 24/7 access at   I hope that you will enjoy listening and will decide to follow the Joyce Keller show throughout the new year.

Information about Joyce Keller can be found at the following address:

Be Well In All Things,
Jackie Chin

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Predictions for 2011 (Warning do not have children around when you read)

Authors Note*  Predictions are usually fun and exciting things to speak about there are however, 3 visions I describe which may cause some readers to become uncomfortable; so I am asking for supervision when there are children present. I will be discussing these visions and other predictions with Joyce Keller on Sunday the 16th.  The broadcast will then be placed on blog-talk radio and at the extreme bottom of this blog page you can find a convenience link.
Predictions for 2011

The Year of Earth Changes

The end of the year 2010 has been filled with natural disasters. There have been record early winter snowfalls and cold temperatures throughout Europe, the U.K. and North America. There have been a record number of floods, tornado's, mudslides, sink holes in areas that have never had this problem. A record number of volcanoes have erupted in Indonesia and Central America. Tornado's and extreme high winds are destroying numerous areas on our planet on a regular basis.

We are already starting 2011 off with unprecedented rains in Australia, thousands of birds of different species falling from the sky, 100s of thousands of fish killed without explanation.

Those of us who study metaphysical changes are also feeling a quickening within the energy patterns that normally are very subtle. These changes can stop someone who is sensitive from doing what they are doing for at least 2-5 minutes and begin to literally shake. When it stops there is new knowledge gained, or a feeling of impending stress.

What can we expect in 2011? This year is a grand expansion for anyone who is even remotely feeling the need to expand towards spiritual awakening. You will begin to take on more and more information, by simply putting it out in prayer, or asking the universe to assist you in your endeavor. Just imagine yourself standing at the door of success and reaching out to take the reins.

Looking at this year:

I don’t normally get waking visions of Earth Changes mostly I concentrate on client matters and those of my immediate family so, when I do see something like this I pay close attention.

I have had 3 of these visions within the past 5 months. Before I begin I want to tell you that these are quite concerning and if you have small children please find another room for them to be in while I talk about these 3 issues.

First issue I was transferred out of body to a place that was rather flat in appearance, it was dry hot out around august it was the middle of this year as I was show on a calendar. The land that was once flat rose up violently 3-4 feet in some other areas much more it was a ripping of the land pushing upwards, not like opening a bag of potato chips sideways. I heard the words New and Madrid.

I don’t normally put much focus on earthquakes because I don’t live in a prone area for them, but this I felt I needed to pay attention to. I did what I do best research the area is called the New Madrid Fault Line. It starts in New Madrid Missouri and has the potential to threaten Illinois, Indiana, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi. There were multiple earthquakes from 1.8-5.0 before the earthquake in 1811 and were thousands of aftershocks which ranged from 1.8-8.0 after-wards.

1811 was a long number of years ago so I figured so what probably not again in this life time not a big deal. However, I continued to be pushed by spirit to look for more answers as to why I saw this vision. What I found both shocked and amazed me. I found an actual report of someone who lives in the area and this is what he wrote…

UPDATED 7-1-10
Report FROM New Madrid Fault area: The surface rupture of the roads and highways is out of control.
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 11:19 AM
Subject: New Madrid quake is next

One of my psychic friends says the New Madrid area is the next event that will happen. And if it does, then all that oily Gulf mess will pour into the hole it leaves when the land sinks.

Is anyone following the tectonic pressure ....

Hello Raye;

I live on the New Madrid fault. And I can tell you this. The surface rupture of the roads and highways is out of control. Also, everyday of the week, the structure of my moms home is "cracking" and shifting. You can hear the walls and the surface crack.

Nearby is a dollar general store. In that parking lot there are 3 flagpoles that "vibrate" violently. (not shaking from wind) Each and everyday, the roads "blow" up potholes. U.S. 41 is ruptured severely.

Interstate 65 is also badly damaged. They keep trying to repave them but it doesn't work. The Cline Ave bridge at points is closing. This bridge and off ramps leads right into Inland steel and LTV steel and BP Amoco. So far, I believe 5-7 bridges have been shut down or are scheduled for closing because they are unsafe.

I monitor the earthquakes daily. And as you know there are far too many happening too quickly.

I believe the general public has been misled. In my opinion, the 2012 shift is happening now, but everyone has been conditioned to believe that they still have time to prepare for the main event. That's b.s. It doesn't happen all at once.

In Momence Illinois, some of the buildings are beginning to "sink". In Cedar Lake Indiana, the same is happening.The bottom line is this; Buildings are cracking, parking lots can't be fixed, roads and bridges are closing every week, sidewalks are sinking and sinkholes are opening everywhere. At time day or night, you can literally feel the earth "vibrate" below your feet.

I'm in Northwest Indiana, and I believe we are about to get hit with a earthquake of biblical proportions. We are surrounded by propane, natural gas and BP Amoco refineries.

And, I'm more than concerned what will happen when the new madrid erupts.

best regards,

It is apparent that spirit wants us to pay attention to this matter because once it does erupt it will not only destroy many major cities it will also single handedly destroy what is left of our shattered economy. I know that prayer works I don’t care what religion you are as long as you are praying to that which exists in the light PRAY. Get as many groups together as you can in person and on line and pray that this situation passes us and the strangers we don’t even know.

The next vision was that of a meteorite that apparently passes through all outer layers of the earth and heads into our atmosphere in one piece. I was amazed that it passed completely through the atmosphere as I was under the impression that we had technology that could either push, or blow up the thing before it came into our atmosphere. This event also happens in what I believe to be August of this year, or next.

UPDATE: 8-15-2011 click on the blue link
Riddle of the late night rumblings that caused a sonic boom in Norfolk - News - Eastern Daily Press

So again more research, I found that it is not plausible to simply blow up the meteorite as it would cause more chaos then only one single blow. Shattering it will leave many other places on the earth at risk for impact. I then wondered if there was anything in the space surrounding our planet that could push the object away. NASA is working on deflecting such objects but most of the information in lacking on exactly how it would work.

The object I saw has a name: Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova and it is due to come into Earth trajectory August 11, 11.

The comet will pass close (by astronomical standards) to Earth on that date missing by "only" 0.0601 AU or 5 586 650 miles (8990860 Km). This is still far away enough to not impact, and if it were the only dice in play here I would say hecks not a big deal, however, there is the matter of the solar winds to take into account.

Towards middle of this year the solar activity will increase greatly as we are pushing towards a solar event maxis (or high point) due in 2011-2012 and it is expected to be the largest event since records have been kept.

A new computer model which accurately simulates the Sun’s past few solar cycles predicts that the next cycle will be 50 percent stronger than any other and begin a year earlier than expected. I have researched on this subject matter and I have found that NASA has evidence that 2010 has seen a number of highly unusual flares on what should be a rather low event year.

What is expected, according to Solar Physicist David Hathaway of the Marshall Space Flight Center “…it looks like it’s going to be one of the most intense cycles since record-keeping began almost 400 years ago.” He goes on to say “When a gust of solar winds hits Earth’s magnetic field, the impact causes the magnetic field to shake. If it shakes hard enough, we call it a geomagnetic storm. In the extreme, these storms cause power outages and make compass needles swing in the wrong direction. Aurora’s are a beautiful side-effect 

However, what they are not telling us here is that when the Earth’s magnetic field is disrupted during a geomagnetic storm of the magnitude they are predicting, is that it can also affect the Earth’s magnetic field other ways.

Many have been talking for decades about a possible pole shift which is currently moving from true north 40 feet per year towards Siberia. There can also be super storms (massive events such as what is currently happening in Australia with beyond severe floods where just recently a tsunami of all things caused a 26 foot high wave that killed 6 people and left 78 missing. Storms of this magnitude make Katrina look demure in comparison.

And as if this were not enough to be concerned about it has been found with much coincidence that the last time the poles shifted was approximately the same timing of the Yellowstone Supervolcano. With the displacement of the poles it could be that the Earth is trying to maintain some sort of equilibrium and in doing so the Earths tectonics (land masses) shifts to compensate.

...perhaps the comet hitting us, due to strange gravitational anomalies, is the least of our concerns.

New Madrid Fault Line expected earth quake in august of 2011 magnitude 8.0. I have seen an uprising in the rock pushing up of the land as much as 3-5 feet tall.

The final vision is something of an oddity I believe because of all the weather changes, and if we end up having any of the above anomalies occur it will snow in summer, or snow in a place where the weather is like summer all the time. This vision was one of the most disturbing because it will have meant that in fact the pole shift has occurred and with such a high frequency rate that our seasons will no longer be the same.

Price of crude…

Almost everyone listening is surely tired of the ridiculous prices we are paying for gas. Here is what I see as being the next push forward…

The price of a barrel of crude oil in the United States will be at least 100.00 causing gas to rise very close to the 5.00 mark by early summer. It will be evident to the economist that peak oil has occurred and people all over the globe will be taxed to find a way to simply get from one place to another.

The crushing of the middle class will be more and more evident as the housing market throughout the year will not even begin to recover. Unemployment will rise to 14 percent in most states and there will be no economic class unscathed.

The stock market will have a small rally from the end of January, through mid February were it will appear that the changes of the current administration will have actually started to take effect. It is short lived and again the American populace will become quite disenchanted.

Obama will not have another term. There are many predictions that he will be assassinated in office, and for this I do not believe that will occur.

More and more threats against government flybys over heard of governmental buildings and increasing terrorist threats in the months of March throughout the entire rest of 2011.

I do not feel any sort of terrorist attack like that of 9/11, however domestic terrorism will spike in mid august, September of this year.

Population overload as a global whole will increase fighting for clean water, basic food supplies such as grains, flour, and rice. There will be massive casualties for these necessities as third world countries continue to starve.


It will become more and more evident that the American public will no longer just simply believe that the government will take care of everything. Thereby causing an uprising towards September, October where measures from the government will implement methods to calm the rising by using imaging and sound techniques to cause bring the anger to a minimum.

One world government will become closer to becoming inevitable as the dollar increasingly becomes worthless. A cashless society will be in effect towards November 2011 and will be pushed to the public as being “safer” than money in hand for various reasons. Thumb prints, facial recognition, and voice activation will become the new norm. Beware of handing over your civil rights this easily it will never become undone once this happens.


The southeast states will continue to be in a drought, and have no other choices but to implement new ways to desalinate. This drought will also begin to extend to more areas beyond the south east, states such as Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico will also experience less rainfall.

The Northeast will experience more rainfall than necessary, and will experience flooding which will tax the already stressed sewer systems, and create sink holes.

The Mississippi and other southern states will experience massive flooding and I believe that New Orleans will become flooded again because of a storm surge from a hurricane in November.

Because of changing weather patterns urban cities will become more susceptible to tornadoes in the South and Midwest.

Again Europe will see another extremely severe weather pattern which will make 2010 look like a small blizzard.

Solar flares will begin to increase as 2012 comes closer and will cause major black outs of internet and communications as a whole during the months of October, November and December 2011.

Health care:

There will be a massive movement towards using alternative therapies due to the lack of traditional health care, and the Obama health care solution will fail.

Higher than normal skin disease will be seen towards early to mid summer as it is found that the lack of vitamin D is the cause especially in areas that are affected by ozone depletion.

There has been a lot of concern about the recent mass deaths of birds, fish and other sea creatures with a direct connection to signs in the bible and many are scared that this is the end times of biblical prophecy.

I have done extensive research into what has been causing these occurrences and I have come to the conclusion that these events although massive are not biblical in nature.

BP has dumped millions of gallons of a extremely toxic sludge called Corexit. It not only disperses oil so that it no long cohesively sticks together it also destroys everything else in its path as well.

It depletes oxygen from the water that kills the fish and other water life. It gets into the air and disperses after long rains destroying crops. It is highly toxic dogs and other animals will not drink from the rain water take this as a sign that corexit is present.

I am not sure what the half life of this product is which would determine how long it is as its most toxic action. If this is an issue with you research all you can on the subject matter. Then start writing your congress members to investigate further into the corexit dumping. `

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


“…You only got 86,400 seconds to turn it all around or throw it all away gotta tell them that we love em while we got the chance to say Gotta live like were dying…” Kris Allen

Time is a conceptual reality whereby many feel that they can save it, spend it or use it as some form of payment. It is from nothingness that time occurs. This nothingness is where we all began, and the idea that we can even begin to describe this nothingness is fruitless. Yet, we trap our minds into this concept of time.

There are all sorts of devices to “mark the passage” of time. For the most part we only look at these devices when we are waiting for an event to occur; either hoping the event will happen, and life will be better, or pass by us while we remain unscathed.

There is something though that I have noticed about this idea of time as of late; it is to a specific portion of time during the mid morning and the late evening it is the specific time of 11:11.

To many this time will have absolutely no meaning it’s just seen as a number set on a digital display, however to others the number grouping will being to “show itself” more and more frequently. Normally, as we go about our day, we are not drawn to the clock unless we are expecting a call, have an appointment, or are expecting some other event.

It is not at these times that I suggest this 11:11 is important. It is the frequency in which you are distracted from what you are normally doing only to see this display on your watch, or other digital device. In other words the frequency at which your inner knowing distracts you for a few seconds to see something by which would otherwise not be of substance to you.

From my own experience this number grouping started to make a pressing involvement in my life about a year and a half ago. At first, I just dismissed it as coincidence as I neither knew its significance nor what sort of impact it would later have on my life.

I try to take such matters with a pound of salt, and try not to jump immediately to some sort of mystical reasoning for the happening, but as with many what eventually occurs is the idea to do some research on the numbers so off to Google I went.

I found many different avenues regarding 11:11 phenomena, and was amazed at how many people actually found this to be a part of their life as well. Some were on the way left side talking about aliens and space ships while others were more referential to shifts in our paradigm of time. That is to say what we think as time and what really IS.

Now you can be a skeptic and just think that this noticing of 11:11 is just something that I trained myself to look for, or you can try a different avenue and perhaps take the notion that something either outside of myself, or deeper within is trying to make me pay attention. Call it a spiritual awakening, a reality check or just a change in current perspective.

In order to get a basic understand of numbers first lets look at how the number 11 first into the grand scheme of things. This number represents what is called a master number (highly charged, difficult to handle, requires time, maturity, and great effort to integrate into a persons’ mental and emotional understanding).

It is linked to traits of transcendental knowledge, adversity and strength. This number represents the best and the worst of humanity and reminds me of the yin and yang symbol. It is concept of everything all occurring at once. You cannot understand great joy until you understand great suffering. It is only until you have witnessed and become immersed on both sides of this proverbial coin that you finally get life’s true meaning.

From an astrological perspective this number is like combining the long term and often prophetic vision of Sagittarius with the humanitarian efforts of Aquarius. To learn about the number eleven is to learn about peace. Numerology number eleven is about learning to both bring peace to other people and find inner peace. In addition to learning about peace, those studying the number eleven will find that that this number is associated with daily tests on the concepts of honesty and integrity.

This idea that there is something to the number sequence 11:11 now may start to make more sense to you as you find yourself noticing these 11’s. If for some reason you do no begin to notice perhaps like many other ideas it’s not for you, however if you do find yourself being pushed to see it come let me know we can chat about it further.

Links for 11:11 information
Anticipating your responses…  for questions regarding this topic, or any other paranormal questions

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Quiet Mind: Creating Peace Within

The Quiet Mind

The decision to take your ego out of the picture and see what is really in front of you.

Compare birth with death, compare death with life; compare what is possible with what is not possible and compare what is not possible with what is possible; because there is, there is not, and because there is not, there is. Chuang Tzu (c.360 BC - c. 275 BC)

What if I told you that everything you thought you knew about whom you are and what is really happening in your life was all an illusion? Would you immediately quit reading this post, or would you want to find out just where this would all lead?

Many times we go through our lives not really living, but simply existing; going through the motions not connecting to anyone. Concentrating on the next thing you feel you need to acquire for one reason or another. How is it that this became your reality? Did you one day just decide that it was not worth the effort of making a stand, or did it happen purely unconsciously? It is easier to follow the crowd not making any stands one way or the other I admit that having done it many times myself. However, there will come a point where you are required to make a judgment call to “wake up” and step outside the illusion.

Many of my clients have made this decision and came to the conclusion that things are really not important. This idea that we have to get more and more stuff bigger, better, larger, extreme no longer fits their bill of what is important. They understand that there is something different to obtain, but how to get there and what exactly it is most times is out of their comprehension. When someone comes to me with this sort of dilemma I tell them to pray.

Some clients say that they do pray a lot they pray that things will change; they pray that the person they want to be moved by them comes to their senses eventually. They pray that they want things to happen which make their lives easier less stressed more manageable. I then tell them that the first thing they need to pray for is to quiet their mind from all of these desires.

It is in the silence of your mind that you will find your peace and the reason for your being where you are in the present. Once you realize that you can find your peace in this quietness you will realize the following: It is not to obtain things, it is to obtain nothing; it is not to force your will on others, it is to allow others to be where they are. It is not to focus on what you do not have; it is to focus on how to do for others. The moment of enlightenment sheds its light when you finally understand that you do not have to seek peace outside of yourself and you can finally embrace change.

Many clients who have started this journey have made comments that when they meditate, or pray even for 5 minutes they notice that they become more aware afterwards. What is occurring here is that they are becoming “spiritually awakened.” In this heightened state the mind has the ability to reach out to the etheric levels where greater consciousness exists.

Most of society is brought up to believe that seeking answers or peace within the body is not what brings happiness. To them happiness is on the latest TV show, radio, or magazine. Where the problems begin with this idea of inner peace is in the instance where the individual cannot afford the item. What if you as an individual cannot buy what they say you need? You start to feel as if you are less than worthy. It can create such a sense of imbalance that you start to worry you will never have true happiness. For those who go into a panic mode this endless cycle can cause chaos in all areas of life.

Once an individual comes to the point in their life where they understand that it is not the “thing” that creates peace it is the act of going within, then they start to realize that they are more satisfied with their life. It is in the act of conscious awareness where the individual transcends the need for the physical and enters into spiritual peace

By no means do you need to be so wrapped up in this spiritual peace that you have to reject those around you who care for you and want the best for you. What happens when you reach this peace is that you will find others will want to know what you have done why you are so much more content. Passing on this change in you will help them to understand that they too can have less stress, and be more joyful with what they already have.

You are blessed simply because you breathe be joyful in where you are, and know that today you can be the change you seek.

A New Understanding Past Meets Present

                   Mind, Body, and Spirit                        Your Journey to introspection So now you have come to the understanding t...