Wednesday, December 29, 2010


“…You only got 86,400 seconds to turn it all around or throw it all away gotta tell them that we love em while we got the chance to say Gotta live like were dying…” Kris Allen

Time is a conceptual reality whereby many feel that they can save it, spend it or use it as some form of payment. It is from nothingness that time occurs. This nothingness is where we all began, and the idea that we can even begin to describe this nothingness is fruitless. Yet, we trap our minds into this concept of time.

There are all sorts of devices to “mark the passage” of time. For the most part we only look at these devices when we are waiting for an event to occur; either hoping the event will happen, and life will be better, or pass by us while we remain unscathed.

There is something though that I have noticed about this idea of time as of late; it is to a specific portion of time during the mid morning and the late evening it is the specific time of 11:11.

To many this time will have absolutely no meaning it’s just seen as a number set on a digital display, however to others the number grouping will being to “show itself” more and more frequently. Normally, as we go about our day, we are not drawn to the clock unless we are expecting a call, have an appointment, or are expecting some other event.

It is not at these times that I suggest this 11:11 is important. It is the frequency in which you are distracted from what you are normally doing only to see this display on your watch, or other digital device. In other words the frequency at which your inner knowing distracts you for a few seconds to see something by which would otherwise not be of substance to you.

From my own experience this number grouping started to make a pressing involvement in my life about a year and a half ago. At first, I just dismissed it as coincidence as I neither knew its significance nor what sort of impact it would later have on my life.

I try to take such matters with a pound of salt, and try not to jump immediately to some sort of mystical reasoning for the happening, but as with many what eventually occurs is the idea to do some research on the numbers so off to Google I went.

I found many different avenues regarding 11:11 phenomena, and was amazed at how many people actually found this to be a part of their life as well. Some were on the way left side talking about aliens and space ships while others were more referential to shifts in our paradigm of time. That is to say what we think as time and what really IS.

Now you can be a skeptic and just think that this noticing of 11:11 is just something that I trained myself to look for, or you can try a different avenue and perhaps take the notion that something either outside of myself, or deeper within is trying to make me pay attention. Call it a spiritual awakening, a reality check or just a change in current perspective.

In order to get a basic understand of numbers first lets look at how the number 11 first into the grand scheme of things. This number represents what is called a master number (highly charged, difficult to handle, requires time, maturity, and great effort to integrate into a persons’ mental and emotional understanding).

It is linked to traits of transcendental knowledge, adversity and strength. This number represents the best and the worst of humanity and reminds me of the yin and yang symbol. It is concept of everything all occurring at once. You cannot understand great joy until you understand great suffering. It is only until you have witnessed and become immersed on both sides of this proverbial coin that you finally get life’s true meaning.

From an astrological perspective this number is like combining the long term and often prophetic vision of Sagittarius with the humanitarian efforts of Aquarius. To learn about the number eleven is to learn about peace. Numerology number eleven is about learning to both bring peace to other people and find inner peace. In addition to learning about peace, those studying the number eleven will find that that this number is associated with daily tests on the concepts of honesty and integrity.

This idea that there is something to the number sequence 11:11 now may start to make more sense to you as you find yourself noticing these 11’s. If for some reason you do no begin to notice perhaps like many other ideas it’s not for you, however if you do find yourself being pushed to see it come let me know we can chat about it further.

Links for 11:11 information
Anticipating your responses…  for questions regarding this topic, or any other paranormal questions

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Quiet Mind: Creating Peace Within

The Quiet Mind

The decision to take your ego out of the picture and see what is really in front of you.

Compare birth with death, compare death with life; compare what is possible with what is not possible and compare what is not possible with what is possible; because there is, there is not, and because there is not, there is. Chuang Tzu (c.360 BC - c. 275 BC)

What if I told you that everything you thought you knew about whom you are and what is really happening in your life was all an illusion? Would you immediately quit reading this post, or would you want to find out just where this would all lead?

Many times we go through our lives not really living, but simply existing; going through the motions not connecting to anyone. Concentrating on the next thing you feel you need to acquire for one reason or another. How is it that this became your reality? Did you one day just decide that it was not worth the effort of making a stand, or did it happen purely unconsciously? It is easier to follow the crowd not making any stands one way or the other I admit that having done it many times myself. However, there will come a point where you are required to make a judgment call to “wake up” and step outside the illusion.

Many of my clients have made this decision and came to the conclusion that things are really not important. This idea that we have to get more and more stuff bigger, better, larger, extreme no longer fits their bill of what is important. They understand that there is something different to obtain, but how to get there and what exactly it is most times is out of their comprehension. When someone comes to me with this sort of dilemma I tell them to pray.

Some clients say that they do pray a lot they pray that things will change; they pray that the person they want to be moved by them comes to their senses eventually. They pray that they want things to happen which make their lives easier less stressed more manageable. I then tell them that the first thing they need to pray for is to quiet their mind from all of these desires.

It is in the silence of your mind that you will find your peace and the reason for your being where you are in the present. Once you realize that you can find your peace in this quietness you will realize the following: It is not to obtain things, it is to obtain nothing; it is not to force your will on others, it is to allow others to be where they are. It is not to focus on what you do not have; it is to focus on how to do for others. The moment of enlightenment sheds its light when you finally understand that you do not have to seek peace outside of yourself and you can finally embrace change.

Many clients who have started this journey have made comments that when they meditate, or pray even for 5 minutes they notice that they become more aware afterwards. What is occurring here is that they are becoming “spiritually awakened.” In this heightened state the mind has the ability to reach out to the etheric levels where greater consciousness exists.

Most of society is brought up to believe that seeking answers or peace within the body is not what brings happiness. To them happiness is on the latest TV show, radio, or magazine. Where the problems begin with this idea of inner peace is in the instance where the individual cannot afford the item. What if you as an individual cannot buy what they say you need? You start to feel as if you are less than worthy. It can create such a sense of imbalance that you start to worry you will never have true happiness. For those who go into a panic mode this endless cycle can cause chaos in all areas of life.

Once an individual comes to the point in their life where they understand that it is not the “thing” that creates peace it is the act of going within, then they start to realize that they are more satisfied with their life. It is in the act of conscious awareness where the individual transcends the need for the physical and enters into spiritual peace

By no means do you need to be so wrapped up in this spiritual peace that you have to reject those around you who care for you and want the best for you. What happens when you reach this peace is that you will find others will want to know what you have done why you are so much more content. Passing on this change in you will help them to understand that they too can have less stress, and be more joyful with what they already have.

You are blessed simply because you breathe be joyful in where you are, and know that today you can be the change you seek.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

What are you really here for?

It is not to obtain things, it is to obtain nothing; it is not to force your will on others, it is to allow others to be where they are. It is not to focus on what you do not have, it is to focus on how to do for others. The moment of enlightenment sheds its light when you finally understand that you do not have to seek peace outside of yourself and to be able to embrace change.
                                                                                         Jackie Chin 12-19-10

Friday, December 3, 2010

Psychic Dreaming Lucid Awareness: Productive Dream Time

Many times my clients ask how they can become more in tune with their spiritual nature, and able to gain insight into their subconscious. The easiest way to accomplish this is to be able to access their dream time and become aware of when they are dreaming. This process of awareness dreaming is called Lucid dreaming. When you are able to knowingly dream and take in information from a spiritual level you can begin to understand why you are where you are in your life.

These dreams can help you become aware of future event, explain recent past events or help you gain guidance into a matter that you would otherwise feel was hopeless. In order to have a meaningful dream however, you really have to be deeply relaxed and have a desire to open your subconscious to a higher form of vibration.

Nowadays, many people are so stressed out from their daily lives that they find this deep sleep to be very elusive. What I recommend to clients is to have a evening ritual a time about an hour prior to sleep where they shut off their tv’s, and electronic devices, or at least put them on a level that is hushed. A warm bath is ideal, but shower works too.

If this is just not something that you personally can do on a nightly basis then as best you can when you know that you have something you want to work on in dreamtime prepare yourself at least an hour before hand. Relaxing music, scents, temperature of the room are useful methods to calm the body as well.

Another part of relaxing is to involve the sense of smell through the use of herbals. There are a number of herbs that can be placed into a small drawstring pouch and placed in your pillow, or night stand.

 Lavender

 Mint

 Rosemary

 Rose petals

 Lily of the Valley

 Chamomile

 Jasmine

 Pine

 Cloves

 Mint

 Poppy leaves

 St. John’s Wort

 Mistletoe

 Mandrake pieces

All of these herbs have abilities to assist you in opening your subconscious to the psychic realm of lucid dreamtime. Once you decide what combination suits you and have found, or made a small drawstring pouch also color to your choosing fill it with the herbal combination. As you work on your dream pouch think on things which bring you pleasure and if you so desire pray to your guardian angel, or spiritual guide to help you bring peaceful energy into the dream pouch. Also, if you have any amulets that you would like to include before you seal it off do so now. Once the dream pouch is sealed it should not be reopened.

It is also recommend that you create a new dream pouch every few weeks, sooner if you feel the urge to change. Dried herbs although very fragrant in the beginning do tend to loose their pungent scents. This is one of the reasons behind changing out the dream pouch. Another is that as with all things they will absorb energies, and once they become over loaded they no longer serve a useful purpose.

Once you have started your Lucid dreaming process and you awaken it is best to write your experiences down in a dream journal. Don’t worry about not recalling everything in the beginning stages of this type of psychic awareness. What is important is to write as much as you can remember how you were feeling what your body remembers anything that makes sense to you from your dream.

If for some reason you do not have any lucid dreams, or cannot recall what you dreamed about do not worry. This is a process just as any psychic awareness and with time you will recall your dreams.

How to track your results using a Dream Journal

When you have gotten to that point in your sleeping cycles where you can recall your dreams it becomes important to place those thoughts into a Journal of some sort. You can use either one with paper and pen, or an online journal of your choice. It is not important how you track your dream work, but it is important that you do it.

There are a few basic details that are important to start your dream journal these are:

The date

Moon Cycle if you follow such matters

Theme of the dream


People that are in it

What is the environment?

Are you reminded of anything that is a part of your personal history?

PERSONAL REACTIONS What feelings are attached to this dream?

Are you currently in wake time dealing with something that may have triggered this dream?

Is this dream related to any that have gone before?

Do you feel in wake time prompted to do something because of this dream?

Have you gained any information in wake time that was gained in lucid dreaming?

Are there any aspects of this dream that are at this point in time unexplainable?

Upon waking do you recall any body sensations such as having feeling as if your spirit needed to re-enter your body? Are your legs feeling lighter than they should be? Are you feeling any sensation of tingling, warmer than normal or cooler than you should be after a sleep?

No matter what your results are regarding lucid dreaming remember the important part here is to acknowledge that you have decided to try something different, and that you are learning more about what makes you who you are.

Good luck and BEST DREAMS ;-)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Paranormalist Responsiblities

The Other Side of Being Psychic:
 A paranormalist study into the moral obligations of sending spirits to the other side.

This article in intended to create discussion with regard to the moral obligations of mediums, psychics, parapsychologists, paranormal investigators, in the active sending on of spirits, ghosts or entities to “the other side.”

I have to admit that in all of the 20+ years I have dealt with spiritual entities I have not broached the morality of sending them to the other side. I have done my very best to make sure that if something was bothering a family, and causing a disturbance of their normal daily lives that I would send “it” to a place more fitting for such entities.

Those spirits who seemed to just want to go home after they realized that they were in fact deceased were sent on to where ever they felt they needed to be as well. I have also made sure to use techniques in each case that were acceptable to those who lived, or worked in the dwelling so as not to add to the confusion.

To me is just seems like the right thing to do to help those who need assistance whether living or deceased. The following are some of the reasons why spiritual energy stays Earth bound, and rationales that spiritualists have for sending them on to their next part of existence.

• Spirits (Ghosts) are the spiritual energy of those who are deceased and they may become ‘Earth bound’ in their demise due to trauma, or a deep feeling of things undone.

• The death was traumatic to loved ones, or others who keep grieving and essentially keep the spirit from moving forward.

• The individual had a long history of mental instability, used any variation of the black arts, indulged in speaking to demonic presences, was steeped in drug or alcohol abuse, or denied the presence of God.

• Spiritualist understand that there is energy that can linger after death, and that there are tools and methods to help assist those who truly want to move forward, and against those entities that would choose to cause harm to those who are innocent.

• Spiritualists are aware that there are many dimensions’, the spiritual body exists on another dimensional plane, and that it is necessary to enter into that realm to complete their life cycle.

• Having been called to take on the responsibility of assisting, protecting, and teaching the spiritual entities how to move to their final destination of peace is an awesome undertaking, and should never be treated without due regard.

• Learning techniques, having a broad understanding of religious beliefs, and a genuine fervor for doing what is right without ego are the responsibilities of a spiritualist.

Now that the basis of spiritual energy found on the Earth plane have been described, and the responsibilities of most psychics who feel this draw to assist those who have become stranded have been addressed I would like to discuss some of the situations where those who appear to want to help actually only make matters worse.

There are many shows on cable where you can find a paranormal investigator interested in area stories and “debunking” the myths, or drawing out the spiritual energy from dwellings where there have been poltergeist activity, or other disturbances.

Many psychics and paranormalist appreciate the publicity of the paranormal world, and for the most part do a good job in speaking to the people affected, but what tends to happen because of ratings is the over dramatization of the event, the tendency to freak out at the littlest of noises (as if they did not know that there could b e something that does go bump in the night)? It is difficult to tell where there is real activity, or just the misuse of equipment. Then there are those who shall not be named that call out the demonic to challenge it head on, and perhaps cause tremendous chaos offer few resolutions and then leave. These are the ones who are most troubling and honestly should just stick to watching from the sidelines.

Beyond what spiritual entities are, the responsibilities of a paranormalist, and how spirits can be assisted or taunted, there is another factor to consider when discussing the moral side of sending entities to the other side.

I’m reminded of a situation a few years back at a local powwow in 2008 were everyone involved was very much alive, but bare with me the connection will be made back to spiritual entities soon enough.

It was a beautiful summer day at least mid 80’s and my family was visiting a favorite uncle named Andy, who had a massive handmade Tipi, and some slamming sloppy joe sandwiches. The children and my husband were waiting for me with Andy I had to go back to the van to get some supplies, and while I was on my way back I had noticed a small crowd of about 6 people standing around where there was no exhibit, or activity. What I found when I approached was to my mind simply appalling. These people all Caucasian were video tapping and taking pictures of a Native American man sleeping.

My nature is sometimes rather loud especially when I see something so totally absurd that it needs to be addressed. I immediately yelled “what the hell are you thinking? This man is sleeping he is not an exhibit on display where is your compassion, or even for that matter your common sense?”

The ones who were filming asked me if I knew the man, or what I was so wound out about then proceeded to tell me that this was a free country and that they could do whatever they wanted. I stood my ground and said a bunch of stuff then that I won’t print here, but suffice it to say they left.

Never did find out who the man was it was to me of no importance what was important is that they stopped.

My point in all of this is the draw attention to the fact that even though they are dead they still deserve all the respect they did while they were living. So don’t keep them around like pets, or do anything that would be considered disrespectful if they were in full 3d form. We have as spiritualist a moral obligation to respect life in all forms, and to stand up for those who do not have a physical voice, or body in death.

So how does a paranormalist determine what they are dealing with exactly when it comes to spiritual entities? The answer is relatively simple if you do not have experience in dealing with such matters find someone who can mentor you till you do. Never decide to take on a spiritual send off just because it looks simple on tv, or you read a how to book. Seek out information regarding the space where activity is said to be, and determine what the necessary course of action will be based on your personal experience.

Interested in having a reading with Jackie Chin?  Call 330-824-1286 today.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Infinite Possiblities

A human can live about four days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only for one second without hope.

  It is possible that all your life you have been told the things you could never do. You’re not good enough, strong enough, and talented enough; you’re the wrong height, weight, color, social class. You will never amount to anything beyond these small four little walls so you might as well face it. These are horrible wrong utterances made many times by family members, or social peers because they lacked the ability to see beyond their meaningless lives. If you continue to listen you can trap yourself into a personal hell that goes well beyond this life. The decision to do nothing is sometimes just as bad if not worse than doing something. Many times clients will say if I don’t do anything and just wait to see what happens next then perhaps I will find happiness. What I say here is that if you choose to let someone do your thinking for you then you have already lost.

     Why would someone let another make their personal choice decisions for them? It is based on what they have experienced as younger people. They watch their parents, their friends, social media, and worse the television and decide that what they are seeing IS the way it’s supposed to be. What does it mean to go against the grain and start to think for you? It means freedom, it might not seem like you’re doing much, but once you open your mind to the possibility that things can change, that you deserve to see where your personal life road map can take you, and it’s amazing.

     I have talked to many clients who were at a crossroad trying to decide what they should do, or if they should do anything at all. Some were very young just starting out on their adult life, but having a long period of time being told you can’t, because you’re just not good enough. Hearing things like that makes me want to go against my Buddhist teachings and find the person(s) responsible for taking their hope away, and do something not very socially acceptable.

     Too many times we run into people who have just given up on themselves, and there is no way that they want anyone around them to be happy, or successful. It makes them feel useless, tired and worthless so they prefer to keep themselves surrounded by superficial things, and place a mask on their face to keep from showing the world that they really are hurting inside; they just don’t know how to do anything else.

     When you are faced with insurmountable odds, and no one to give you an emotional boost what do you do? Usually when someone comes to me for a reading I and they tell me that they have so much stuff on their minds they just don’t know what to do; I ask them a question that they don’t generally expect. I say what type of pie do you like if they say they don’t like pie I say fine then what sort of cake do you like. Once the answer is given I can then proceed to show them how they can break down their situation into small slices.

     So I am asking you the reader are you at a crossroad? What is your favorite pie, cake? Myself I love Mocha Java triple chocolate cake. Now, just pretend for a moment that you went to your favorite specialty store bought the best ingredients for your desert; then came home and carefully and lovingly prepared the batter, then baked it to perfection. Of course you let it cool and then finish it off however, you like it. Tell me something, would you then go about sitting down and gorging yourself on the entire desert, or take a slice and be satisfied?

     Most would answer when asked either out of modesty or just simple reaction that they would take a slice. Now then why would you try to take all your personal troubles and try to eat all of them mentally or emotionally at one time?

     There is no way that anyone not even the best shrink in the world can take all of life’s situations and make them all work all at once. What I tell the client next is to prioritize what is honestly troubling them, list it on paper this process makes it concrete. Sure they are already thinking in their head they know what the problems are, but until they see them in some sort of physical manner it’s still just stuck in their head causing more stress. I have them make three lists to prioritize their current situation: things that are most pending, things that have moderate stress, and finally what they find only mildly annoying. Once this is done then we can take things into perspective and move through what is really the cause of their stress.

     Methodically taking each stressor and breaking it down so that it becomes less traumatic has many benefits. It shows the client that they can take control of their life, and it gives them confidence to do it by themselves when they don’t have me around. And the eventual goal is for them to not need my services anymore.

     Yeah I did say that. My way of working with clients is not like most. I want people to move beyond needing someone to show them that they can do whatever it is to be successful. It has in a lot of times created a lack of income in my life, but when I can talk to someone and they can tell me they are happy, peaceful and confident I am thankful that they were able to do it on their own.

     This world is a huge place and there is always someone somewhere that is going to need a hand up to help them see how to re-gain their peace of mind, or learn how to obtain it in the first place. How blessed I am to be able to be there for them to bring them out of the dark into the light.

You’re blessed simply because you breathe

Interested in a reading with Jackie Chin?  Call 330-824-1286 today.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Residual Energy

Residual Spiritual Energy: Understanding physical space and past impressions

First, a short physics lesson: For those of us who work with the paranormal on a daily basis we understand that energy can neither be created, nor destroyed; it can only be transformed from one state to another. This is based on Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity which explains the conservation of energy. Einstein states that energy and mass are the same and are compatible within life forms such as humans. Each state is symbiotic living in coexistence until the body no longer can support life.

When however, the body is no longer viable that energy source still remains. It is allowed to exist in the same space even though the physical body no longer is viable. The energy remains in roughly the same shape and takes no more space than its original form. What does change however is that the atoms convert into light energy. This light energy can be absorbed by its surroundings are remain as a residual impression. If in fact there has been a traumatic cause for death the likelihood that the impression will remain at that site is higher than if the death were from expected cause.

Residual Spiritual Energy

A simplistic way to explain residual spiritual energy is to think about a scratched CD. When it is played and it is working it has all its elements intact. However, when that skip plays it will continue to skip until you change the song. This continuous skip plays the same lyrics and will not change until you manually change the song. When a trauma occurs and there is a death associated with the trauma the energy is absorbed into that specific time and area. The energy can be moved on with the assistance of someone who is spiritually aware, or if another spiritual body comes to the aid of the individual.

When energy seems to be locked into place there can be unexplained phenomena such as, but not limited to: footsteps, heavy breathing, foul smells, or other sensations which are generally unexplainable by mundane reasoning.

How does this kind of thing happen?

The sounds and images are related to traumatic events that took place at the location, causing some sort of disturbance sometimes called a "psychic impression." This is the reason why so many battlefields have become famous for their haunting over the years. In other situations, the impressions were left because of a single act of violence such as a murder, or ongoing physical or sexual abuse. Rooms can act as sponges and absorb energy given off by the offender, or the victim and releasing when someone who is very young or highly sensitive arrives.

Very often though some of these instances do not involve traumatic events they can also occur in something as innocuous as a staircase. The reason for this is just simply the mere action of going up and down the staircase that leaves the energy impression. Often times this energy is that of young children who find staircases irresistible to play on touching the banister and the walls as they run and play. Reputedly, that is why so many haunted staircases exist, because of the number of times people go up and down them and the amount of energy that is expended in doing so.

Residual energy is basically an imprint in time. Sometimes an object will carry the imprint of its owner. I have a client who had obtained a lazy boy chair from her Grand Parents home. She wanted the chair because she loved her grandmother very much and she like to sit in that chair. But shortly after she brought the chair into her home and placed it into her living room things begin to change in her home.

She had noticed that there were more fights occurring in that room than any other living space within her home (especially with her children) and it seemed to really start almost days after the chair was brought into the home in hindsight. She came to me for a Reiki healing, and while I was working on her one of her relatives came to me in spirit wanting her to know that the reason there was so much hostility in the home was because there was a very angry old man who I will call Bob. This angry man was her grandfather and had in his later life he became very bitter and hostile. In his death my client was hoping that he would be released from his mental torment, but for him this would not be the case.

I suggested that she take care of the room with holy oil, a blessed medal of Arc Angel Michael and special crystals placed under the chair until I could get to her home more than an hour away. She has since notified a mutual friend of ours that my suggestions are working and holding off the negative energy.

If anyone reading this post is in need of specific directions E-mail and I will do my best to assist, or call 330-824-1286

A New Understanding Past Meets Present

                   Mind, Body, and Spirit                        Your Journey to introspection So now you have come to the understanding t...