I am thrilled to have been invited by Mr. Baker, a well respected Medium, who is interested in assisting parents who have children with psychic abilities. I along with Mr. Baker believe that there is a need for straight talk with regard to this sometimes difficult topic. I will do my best to answer questions, offer suggestions and learn from Mr. Baker's experience. This show will be on air April 24, 2011.
Go to Blog Talk Radio to see which shows David is scheduled to be on, or to see archived shows he
was on. It is impossible to put all of his guest appearances on this website. Follow the BTR link: www.blogtalkradio.com/search/david-baker/
Learn more about David Baker at: http://www.davidbakerspiritmedium.com/
Interested in obtaining a reading from Jackie Chin? http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=8111848426249777284&postID=5794557885503735369
Learn more about David Baker at: http://www.davidbakerspiritmedium.com/
Listen to internet radio with Medium David M Baker on Blog Talk Radio
Interested in obtaining a reading from Jackie Chin? http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=8111848426249777284&postID=5794557885503735369